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Everything posted by mrbret

  1. We got a new one. We did not pay $400 for it, but get this.... it still cleans the carpet really well & has no bag either, amazing
  2. Karla rode to the gas station & back
  3. mrbret


    Hello and welcome. Welcome even if you do have a
  4. Give them a . I've seen clips like these from many years ago when I was still back in England on some of the car shows there. In Dubai & that area they have tons of cash thanks to 10 oil fields per person. They race hard & fast & dont have to worry to much about the money. Did you watch them driving the SUV's on two wheels to?
  5. I have once, But that was one the poker run a while back so that does not really count.
  6. New 600rr = 2008 Honda CBR600rr New Naked = 2008 Honda CB1000R Odd ball = 2008 Honda DN-01
  7. So it was kind of like this:
  8. Well, I lived there for 25 years & drank there for about 9 of them & the only time I ever had warm beer was when I had been sitting outside with a beer for to long. I have heard that to but I have no idea where it came from. Some people drink some of the Ale's & Stout's at room temp but not many & not beer.
  9. Anyone heard of Caffrey's? It's about half way between Killians & Guinness. It's good stuff. Hard ti find over here though. Also Strongbow Cider (not just apple juice). I know they have it at Kroger in cans, not cheap though.
  10. Cool, found them online at walmart.com about $4
  11. I dont know what they look like to make something to look like it. I know it's a U but i'm sure there is a little more to it than that
  12. Does anyone have a pair of the "U" shapped things to pull out a Ford car stereo? From a 2000 Mustang
  13. mrbret

    Mr Bret

    This is getting to be a big group hug, People will start to talk
  14. mrbret

    Mr Bret

    Dude, come on, You know your are in too.
  15. mrbret

    New Years eve

    Anyone have anything fun planned for New Years Eve?
  16. mrbret

    Mr Bret

    You know you are always welcome Angrish.
  17. mrbret

    Mr Bret

    Thanks both of you. You'll make me blush Hopefully a good group of you can get together & come down this way when the weather is better. A couple of the guys wanted to get together & head to Iron Pony so if you want to make a day of it then go for a ride & then either bike night at QS&L or all got out for food if it's not on a bike night, night just let me know & i'll make sure we are both off of work that day/night. It would be good to head up there sometime for one of your bike nights to. Sorry we did not get to meet up with you you, we know all about crappy 3rd shift's but you're guys represented you & TSBR well.
  18. Umm... err... yeah... ok.... Flounder the random quote master strikes again
  19. Well...... I heard Stevan has sex with chickens . Thats what Twincharge7 told me anyway.
  20. ....and I'm the lawnmower......
  21. That goes double for me to Oh no, what will the mod's do now? Is it real? is it a joke? Oh the dilema of it all
  22. What the fuck is up with this site? I was going to write a nice long bit about this site & the recent antics but I just couldn't be f*cking bothered. So any else feel free to finish this: This site is............
  23. mrbret

    TSBR winter meeting

    I'll get the pic to you today (saturday) & the other info you need. Where shall I pick it up from? Honda or will someone have it when we meet them? Also I get the Calendars from Castle photo yes?
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