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Everything posted by mrbret

  1. Well F*** you & you're head up a horse's arse pic...
  2. mrbret

    TSBR winter meeting

    Thats cool. I wish we lived closer.
  3. No need to beat around the bush, you just say what you feel.
  4. mrbret

    TSBR winter meeting

    Sorry to hear you will be stepping down. Do you know who will take over yet or is that going to be one of the vote things?
  5. When I picked my bike up & rode it about 450 miles to get it home, I could not feel my arse in the morning. 650 miles is a long haul with a big arse on sport bike seat.
  6. So why is it that the ones that are the cause of a lot of the bitching & bullshit dont ever seem to get "defused"? There is almost a 1000 people siged up on here now & there never seem to be more that 20-30 that ever log-in and/or post. Dont you wonder or care why they go & dont come back? I am a member of a few different bike related fourums & myspace groups and NONE of them have has much as this one, not even the myspace. Maybe it's just a Columbus thing, why knows.
  7. I thought thats what this site was based on as it seems to happen so much. Strange that only some people seem to get targeted for deleted comments or closed threads though.
  8. ((a little off topic for the thread)) Why is it that no matter what people post on here some people just cant help but f*cking bitch about it all the f*cking time. If you have that sh!t of a f*cking life that you feel the need to inflict your misery on everyone else DONT!!!, Just shut the f*ck up. All you seem to do on here is f*cking moan about just everything you can like you are the f*cking expert on all there is to know about everything. I did not think for one moment that you could resist jumping in on this thread I am only shocked that one person replied before you. When ever I read threads on here now I just ait to here you expert opinion on how wrong everyone else is & how great you (think you) are. Please from here on out if you dont have anything good or really constructive to say, just dont bother. Thats just my 2 cents anyway.
  9. mrbret


    To everyone who sent me cold weather & snow for my birthday .... Damn crappy weather, damn cold, damn snow, damn dead battery, damn cars
  10. mrbret


    Thankyou everyone Big group hugs all round.... except for Todd Rocky, my birthday diet pretty much consisted of: Pizza, cheescake then later on more cheesecake, schrimp, steak, key lime pie then a bit more cheescake (from the Cheesecake factory this time)..... FANTASTIC
  11. I'm not a woman but I say be sneaky, give it to her on the day. Then you will get that real effect & lots of
  12. I'm sure if that was the case it would be safe to say you would be a solid 2nd then, I'm sure we sould not do very well at all. I'm crap at it.
  13. Hmmm, tough call. I've not see 750 strut her stuff on the dance pad so it would be a blind bet but I'd put some wing's on Karla winning. She can really you know.
  14. Yeah yeah, whatever I will like there is no tomorrow
  15. Yeah, like two DDR games & two Karaoke are not enough (yes, they are Karla's). There is not enough driving, fighting or shooting for my PS2 taste.
  16. How much can you get the Nuvi 260 for? I've seen that one online for about $250
  17. Does anyone have any of the Guitar Hero games & Guitar? Is it any good & do you fancy lending it out for a few days?
  18. I've not seen the 2nd one yet. I did see the first & was not very impressed, lots of build up then 10 minutes of nasty stuff then some running & driving then the end. Is the 2nd better than that?
  19. Best GPS for under $200 I've seen a "TomTom One: 3rd edition" for $150. Anyone know anything good or bad about them? Anything better for under $200?
  20. .......... Bah Humbug .......... oops wrong holiday
  21. You and your messy pants. You need to get some lovin
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