FYI, there has always been some confusion about the BMV defensive driving program and points. The program most people are thinking about does NOT actually take away points from your license, it simply gives you another 2 point buffer. Normally you get a 6 point warning and at 12 points your license is suspended. Taking the program ups your point maximum to 14, 16 and ending at 18. You can take this course up to a maximum of 3 times, but only once every 5 if you want the buffer you'll want to start it now get to waiting. As for speaking with the prosecutor or magistrate its 50/50. If your in a large volume area like Franklin County, you would be more likely to get a plea offer of no points with fine/costs. If your in a small town area, they might be more likely to stick it too you. Another difference is that most all municipal court's are a court of record and are not able to change your charges to a non-moving/points violation. So if you get a speeding ticket, stop sign, etc...they will stay that way, but with the possibility of pleaing out to a No-Points violation if your prosecutor is nice. A village/mayor's court is NOT a court of record and can modify your charges from a moving violation to a non-moving violation. (Speeding, stop sign etc to a brake/equipment violation)