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Everything posted by Big3

  1. always contact the bank first! never the site the card # was used on I had a waitress from Olive Garden steal my debit card # in april.. first 1 small trans. then a few days latter all hell broke loose.... called/ went directly to the bank.. fixed in 20 min. the bank just reverses the charges lady at the bank said it happens ALL the time.
  2. Big3

    Making Chili

    Beef was plentiful and cheap in Texas and other cattle towns. As chili spread east into areas where beef was more expensive, chili made with beans became more prevalent. it's all economics
  3. too many great songs in the 80's to pin down 1 fav.
  4. I have NEVER ever ever seen a beer go flat
  5. Big3

    HIPAA laws

    I figured as much ... I wasn't seeing dollar signs Here’s what has happened in the past few months. On apr.20 my ex took my daughter to said hospital for her breathing (she has asthma) Somehow the guarantor was switched from me to the ex. A few weeks ago My G'f took daughter in to get x-rays on her knees. & found out about the guarantor switch. & advised the hospital they needed to correct it if they wanted paid.. They did. Last Monday I receive a collection notice for $100 for what I thought was apr 20 visit. I call hosp. billing & since I never received a first bill they agree to send a new bill. (the bill was going to the ex's house) Today I receive the new bill & another collection notice (different acct. #'s on new notice for $200 I call collection company first & I am told I have 15 past due bill in my name dating back to Aug. of 08 ... not possible I pay my debts.. 14 of the 15 bills are for my ex or here immediate family. (I have custody of my daughter)
  6. Big3

    HIPAA laws

    I just spent roughly 2 hrs at the hospital billing department Because it seems I Was somehow added as the guarantor to all my ex-wifes accounts. (including her kids & husband) the lady I talked to said there is no way the ex could have done this herself ..& has no idea how this happened but it will be fixed ASAP now outside the office we were talking about her daughter whom I have known for MANY years.. when the subject changed back to the account info being messed up .. she informed me that "this is a MAJOR hipaa violation & you could sue the hospital" I asked if I sued would she get into trouble .. "no but I could loose my job" how would you loose your job if you can't get in trouble I asked.. " you could bankrupt the hospital.. it that major of a hipaa violation & the ammount of violations" Is this so serious I should pursue or at least look into it.. Or just let it be fixed & be happy I found it before it tanked my 826 credit score?
  7. http://columbus.craigslist.org/mcy/2541119146.html
  8. http://columbus.craigslist.org/mcy/2542260655.html decent deal on a 91
  9. tax at equal ammount cut military spending eliminate forign aid make it cost companys MORE to move out of the lower 48 states if you want to give out tax breaks to some one.... try the lower middle class & lower I still have never understood why its cheaper for honda & mazda to make thier cars here but GM is in mexico & canada.....
  10. first thought that came to my mind is that she can blow him standing up. second was she would require stiches.
  11. gee I thought I called dids ... guess I wasn't clear enough I have an extra seat for that VF500 if you are Positive you dont need the bike I can send it your way. here's an idea of what I want
  12. I have a VF500f seat i"d like done.. but I think you would need the bike also
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fza5QdTfyxs&feature=player_detailpage
  14. 500? try over 1200 in the past 10 days
  15. Big3

    VF500f "rebuild"

    I think these will work .... sound pretty good also
  16. Last week+ I dumped my 401K stuff into the safest fund.. (Glad I did) think it will jump tomorrrow or monday ( I say monday)
  17. what you need a treadmill for? clothes rack.......
  18. see.............. FB is for Idiots:nono:
  19. WTF?? then it does NOT have 100,000+ miles on it unless you missed the word NEVER between ( bearings have _____ been out)
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