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Everything posted by DrEvil3264

  1. My dad's about to get a new job where they'll provide him with a car. It has to be something with room (sedan), and around 30K. Ne suggestions, i was kind of hoping for him to get something reasonably quick also. Thanks for the replys guys.
  2. yeah i would think the 9R would be more comfortable, but ive ridden an 04 gixxer 600 which the ergonomics r identical to it and it was quite comfortable in my oppinion. You'll get more for your money with the 750 imo. Its fuel injected unlike the 9R, and is much lighter. The 9R will have more torque, and probably better low end grunt, but i think the 750 actually might be faster, (correct me if im wrong).
  3. NICE bike lol, thats the exact year and color of my bike. I have done A LOT of mods to mine, but yeah a steering damper is a must if u plan on riding hard at all or even trying wheelies, the front end isnt that stable.
  4. If u have 0 expierence on a motorcycle i wouldint recomend getting ne of the new 600's, 1.because you'll most likely drop it, and it costs a shitload to replace parts. 2. the new 600's have way too much power for a n00b. The late 90's cbr's would be good, and yeah the katana has about the power you want on a starter bike, but it weighs an assload. I started on an EX500 (Ninja 500R) and i would deff recomend that to neone who hasint ridden before. Has plenty of power to keep you happy for at least a season, and you can pick one up pretty damn cheap, ive seen late mid to late 90's with only a few thousand miles on em for around $2500. Just my 2 cents, ive watched to many guys who dont know what their doing buy brand new 600's because they think their not that powerful and fuck themselves up on em, have fun, wear ur gear, and be careful!
  5. DrEvil3264


    hey hoblick i thought u had a 12 bar on it, did you take it off before the wreck?
  6. damn, my buddy wrecked my bike over the summer, and they broke right off and didnt do nething, i have vortex sliders on now, and those things are solid...
  7. yeah, i had those same sliders on my bike, those ones arent technically frame sliders but fairing sliders and they dont do shit if you wreck your bike actually riding, but will reduce damage if its tipped over. Its cuz those mount in the fairing screw holes, instead of the engine mount bolt which is much larger and stronger. Id look into getting some engine mount ones if they make them for that model, im not sure....
  8. i know this is a car tech forum but im sure theres a lot of guys on here who are familiar with computers. I currently have a Radeon 9000 Pro, its a P4 2.53 ghz, 512 mb ram, 60 gig hard drive. My were swapping my 9000 in my buddies moms comp who has an X800 pro radeon. All she uses her comp for is email, so she doesint need it, or cares if we swap it. Will the 9000 plug right in her comp with out ne trouble or changing drivers or what not, and will the X800 work ok in my comp with out ne problems? thanks for the replys guys
  9. DrEvil3264

    FCPD Piggys

    damn.....now im gonna be even more paranoid next time i open it up on the freeway
  10. yeah iron pony i think is the cheapest around, i called the dealership and they wanted over 200 for a pilot power rear! When i paid around 150 at iron pony. Im not familiar with the 208's, heard nothing but good things about them but i switched to Pilot powers this season from the shitty stock bridgestones, and WOW what a difference...
  11. If you visit Kawiforums.com, theres a member named Steve P, he twin turboed his 10R, and turboed his 636, he might beable to answer some of your questions
  12. yeah only if your under 18, which i was
  13. damn thats kind of scary, ill pray for ya...lol
  14. http://alkali.colug.org/~kaha/ricer.jpg that looks more like a star wars convention than a car show, this guy would fit right in the crowd....
  15. Nice bike, its a fucking beast smaller than my bike and an extra 50 hp. Hope its not ur first bike....
  16. Theres one of those bikes up at the new iron pony store
  17. yep EX is a great starter bike, thats what i rode for a year before i got the 636...if your a brand new rider it feels fast, after about a year or so you'll want something bigger, dont make the same mistake i did and buy a new one, get a used one the 94-05 models r identical except for the color.
  18. get a Cherry Bomb, it says right on the box "What Legends are made of" LOL
  19. hahaha yeah i saw that guy, yellow gixxer with no side fairings a 12 o clock bar
  20. i took it back in september after riding for 2 years on temps lol, i was lazy and never got around to it. Its really simple, and if your already stuntin and shit you'll deff have no problem whatsoever. The hardest part is the figure 8, and its not even hard as long as u have good clutch and throttle control
  21. i might hit that up, i need some help on keeping the stand ups up, where exactly is it?
  22. hey just wondering if ne of u guys know of a shop in columbus that will build a custom map for a power commander. Thanks for ne help...
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