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Everything posted by ironbuttwannabe

  1. I'm not sure if Jimster rode to get the tag. I took it as he was just showing what the mural was next to it since someone asked. If you post a picture that is not the tag and didnt' just ride there, Say it isn't a tag.
  2. Also check your radiator cap to make sure it is working properly. I would guess that your thermostat is not opening all the way
  3. I should have said this isn't a home loan, it is for a new barn
  4. Do credit unions have max amounts they loan? I always thought they were smaller with less money to loan.
  5. Don't do it. It will be just as expensive. Just by a DRZ and be done with it. I know of someone with a DRZ400E plated with dirt tires. I think he wants 2300 or so for it.
  6. If a tag is closed/locked by gate, just take a pic of the closest thing you can get to that resembles that you were there.
  7. I had no problem with National City. Our last loan two years ago took 2 weeks to get an answer. Now this one we have nearly a quarter of the amount we need. Called today and now they want to see pictures of where the building is going to be built. They could have asked that a year ago if they really wanted an answer
  8. Anyone else bank with PNC and getting annoyed? We were already approved for a loan last year, when they were doing the merger with National City. Now we changed are plans and are not needing near as big a loan. It is taking them over 3 months, which was only supposed to take 2 weeks. Since then interest rate has gone up. That's exactly what I told my dad they were waiting on. I'm about ready to pull my money and go somewhere else.
  9. Did he have it at the bar grilling ribs on Sunday? I caught a glimpse of an SV parked on street as I past. What kind of livestock is he looking for?
  10. There's just something hot about women playing violins http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=diPKUgVvBO4
  11. Nice post. I pitty the guy that decides to cut down that tree
  12. Where were they out of balance from the weight added?
  13. I haven't read this thread entirely, but has anyone checked a tire for balance before they replaced it? What did you find?
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HitIAL2uDIs&feature=player_embedded
  15. Don't forget the air and tire plug/patch kit. Whenever traveling longer distance it's always good to carry a spare clutch cable also. Set up a good toolkit with stuff that works for your bike. Zip ties, ducktape, hose clamps, wire, electrical tape.
  16. Nice Futon, just too far from me. Walmart outsources everything to other countries, but if they do buy from US companies they bargain their price down. Plus stuff you buy from Walmart is of lower quality than most other stores. Smuckers has a different jelly mix for them because they didn't want to pay the higher price
  17. I have a K1200LT. Can't get anymore comfortable than that. It still handles well above 5 mph even with the weight. You're wife would enjoy the back seat on it.
  18. Did I miss total miles? The wife kinda threw me for a loop. Looks sharp
  19. when I was on it last year it was mostly dirt and loose gravel. Some of it is main roads now. I really pitty those horses pulling cargo to the water, the roads are not very flat in some places
  20. I rode it both ways in an evening last year to get a tag. Fun road. This is what a lot of the roads look like
  21. I might come down. Is the house offer still up? I don't want to drive the 1 and half hour home, knowing me I will par-take in some alcohol. Oh yeah, this is only if that girl will be in your house
  22. http://www.sporttour.com/luggage/givi/cases.htm figure out which you want, then go from there. PS you are supposed to record if you bought something out of state and didn't pay tax on, then file it at end of year.... just sayin
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