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Posts posted by KhaoticRebel

  1. ok so you have prints and you seen the kids who did it? why haven't you went to the school and describe them to the principal or wait for them to walk out at the end of the day?

    That's easier said than done. It was dark and had hoodies up. I was looking through an upstairs window with a screen on it. Not the best for identifying someone. I also don't teach at the school that the kids attend, so I don't know any of the boys' faces well enough to identify them in the dark. If nobody gets caught, I'll just take pleasure in the fact that the gal behind the devious deed will never amount to anything. It's the little things in life that get me by. :) I'll also keep the beheading idea on the backburner. Not bad.

  2. shit you got an exact date... you know who did it?

    I have a key suspect. It wasn't them who physically put the bleach in my gas tank, but I have a feeling they were the mastermind of the operation. This way they could stick to the claim that they didn't do it, which would be true.

  3. Let me get this right.....

    You didn't drain the tank??????

    You probably would have been alright had you actually drained the tank.

    Bleach will eat the o rings in your fuel injection, fuel pump and your evaporation control system.

    Others are correct, Bleach is a huge oxidizer and will rust the crap out of any steel that ain't stainless

    A.) You must have me confused with a mechanic.

    B.) Do you know of a mechanic that is open at 1am?

    C.) It's a lease and it's up in August.

    D.) I have a motorcycle and another car I can use until August.

  4. Said possible suspect surely has an 18th birthday coming up......

    Yes, August 9th. Thanks for all your support guys! I'll keep you updated on the extent and cost of the damage. I'm really hoping that Lady Karma comes through on this one for me!

  5. For those wondering, bleach and gas apparently do not mix well in the gas tank.

    Thursday night I caught two punk high school kids f'n with my car. I expected to see my car keyed or something similar. Upon initial inspection, I didn't see anything. I promptly moved my car into my garage and it was then I saw that something had streamed from my gas tank door area. I was like, "Great, the fuckers peed on my car. Super." I was hesitant to touch it, but I did anyway. I smelled it and it was bleach! WTF?! Bleach?! :wtf:

    I called the cops and they looked around briefly who had taken off on foot when I yelled at them to get the fuck away from my car. This is why I don't own a gun, because I definitely would have used it on these worthless walks of life. The cops took prints, but informed me that juveniles don't have prints in the system. Why'd they bother with prints then? I firmly believe this was not a random incident, given the fact there were far more appealing targets in the parking lot than my car. My car sits immediately outside of an alcove with four apartment doors and near a light. There were several cars in the corners of the lot in complete darkness.

    I rode my motorcycle to work on Friday since it was gorgeous. I called the Jeep dealer to figure out how bad the situation was and what I needed to do. He informed me that he didn't think it'd be a big deal. He was wrong.

    Who knows how much was put into the gas tank. I had a full tank to start with, but apparently the bleach won out. I started the car today to head to Cincinnati and I couldn't even get the damn thing out of my apartment complex. The transmission light and the slippery road light (I have a JEEP that has a "no shit Sherlock" it's slippery light) went apeshit. It was running ridiculously rough and then crapped out. I had it towed and now it will sit until Tuesday before it gets a solid look. This could get interesting...and expensive.

    The lessons I have learned is:

    A. Gas and bleach do not make my Jeep very happy.

    B. Do not cut a girl off of a high school softball team no matter how many school rules she has broken throughout the season, because it will be my fault and result in retaliation. (This is only speculation at this time.)


    I got the car back on Wednesday. Drove it back to Pataskala, filled up the gas tank, made two stops, and then it died in my apartment complex around 5PM. Again. It just flat out wouldn't start. To add to my frustration, the girl who was behind the sabotage (allegedly) was hanging out at the apartment that overlooks my parking lot. Instead of giving her the satisfaction of watching me get the car towed for a second time, I waited until 10PM. Once again, it's at the shop. They said they'll replace the fuel pump and anything with rubber. The estimate this time is $1100. This brings the grand total, so far, up to just under $1400. Coaching is so rewarding.

    The saga continues...

  6. I like that little road too. There's one tiny hill that drops into gravel though that always worries me, but still a nice ride. I usually make a loop consisting of Hickman, Brownsville, 668, 204, and then back into Pataskala.

  7. I not sure what could have caused him to become "airborne" in that section of 310 though. You kind of have to wonder whether or not he died immediately or had to suffer watching any chance of rescue continually drive by his location. That's really sad.

  8. I'll see you these complaints and raise you the difficulties of being 6'1" and still want to look feminine. I always have to wear men's crap and it's so annoying..

    I always buy men's gear, because it's cheaper, I have long arms, and wear a 10 1/2 in mens shoes. We probably end up wearing the same size stuff ha ha.

  9. -- And why the hell aren't there jackets that are TRULY cut for women?? Why I gotta have the "uniboob" look just because I want to be geared properly booooo:mad:

    HAHAHAHA, I bitch about that every time I go to Iron Pony. All the jackets are cut for anorexic chicks with big boobs. I'm 5'6" and 130lbs and I can't fit into any of the chick jackets. I also hate how they have FAR less padding and protective crap in them, too. WTF, we don't need to be protected in a crash? Sorry, rant over, but I LOL'd when I read yours. Rep to you chica!

  10. So, I come home last night and I see something duck-taped to my hillbilly neighbor's door. Apparently we live in a dorm and he doesn't have the communication skills to approach people face to face. He taped a piece of notebook paper to his door and his attorney's business card below it (which isn't shown here).

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