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Posts posted by KhaoticRebel

  1. HUD house FTW! I picked up my house a good $60,000 less than what my neighbors paid for theirs. I had to replace carpet, paint everything floor to ceiling with KILZ, and buy appliances. That's it. It was more than worth it. If you want to win the house/bid in time to get the rebate, then just bid near the full price. Don't mess around. Here's the link to check houses, it updates every Friday I think: http://hud1.towerauction.net/OH.htm

  2. Much appreciated.... but yeah I'm not dead set on living in Vegas at all (actually would prefer not to) I just want to live in that general area- out west, in the DRY and year round warm, and in the CHEAP.

    I went and visited Vegas, the grand canyon and hoover dam, death valley and all that a while ago, and was like wow, this is where I wanna go/live. Prolly not for the rest of my life, but I am young and I wanna travel and enjoy some places for awhile....

    I hear ya. I've done that too. You absolutely can't beat the scenery out there. It's amazing. As you can tell from my post probably, I lived in Vegas for a spell. I was surprised at how cold it actually gets there. It was a pain to dress to ride in 40 degrees for the ride to work then ride home in the afternoon in 110+ degrees. It proved a bit of a packing problem at times.

  3. Someone is jealous.....

    I just have no desire to be surrounded by the decrepit crappyness of Cleveland, when if I only have one life to live and the opportunity to live surrounded by the grand canyon, and beaches, and palm trees, and waterfalls is available to me...

    LOL, keep telling yourself that. While Cleveland is crappy, recently rated number 1 as worst city to live in for weather, Nevada isn't all that wonderful after awhile. It's a weird thing not having rain for months on end. Almost unnatural. Thinking of Vegas as an example, there's like nothing in any direction for at least 4 hours. It's fun living there at first, but then you realize you live in a bowl with nowhere to escape to easily. Plus, dirt covers EVERYTHING no matter how well you try to protect things. It gets really annoying. Don't wear your shoes inside your house/apartment, because crap from parking lots will turn your carpet black in no time at all. Without regular rain, everything is just dirty. Vegas townies are a fun breed though, especially those from the east side. Good place to visit, but there are probably better places to live.

  4. Also have you looked at the cost of living in Nevada as well as if you wanted to stay closer to Vegas??? Rent for a place is crazy expensive, granted the roads and canyons/mountains are amazing. The cost is way above any reason to move there. I had a friend who lived there and she had to work 2 or more jobs to keep up with the cost of living.

    Actually, apartment prices are quite similar to the prices here. Maybe better if you factor in the things you get standard in apartments there. Most apartments have garden tub/shower and full size washer and dryer to name a few. In addition, without taxes, you bring home much more of your money each paycheck. Also, due to the housing bust, they're practically giving away houses in Las Vegas. This would actually be the best time to buy there.

  5. I hated my Corbin seat, because it was rock hard. It may have also been because I have a boney ass. :confused: For some reason, despite ordering the seat meant for my cbr 600rr, it would pinch the wires to the battery causing the bike to short out randomly on rides. Not good. I sold mine and made my own seat.

  6. I guarantee she wouldn't have made those same comments, in that same way & tone to any of the parents of her kids, in the real world....Let's say during parent teacher conferences

    And I never called her a bitch, so you know where you can put your "dick" comment

    Well you came across like a dick, but that's just my opinion. No, she hasn't had any talks during conferences about teen pregnancy, because perhaps the focus of those conferences were, oh, I don't know, academics? Get real. She did have a student in her 3rd grade class (8 years old) that was caught giving a BJ (not at school). Now that I think about it, that girl had a cell phone and texted frequently too. Hmmm. I wonder what she may have texted to others or sent pictures of or passed along via forwards as a 3rd grader. A girl/boy like that could be in his daughter's class and suddenly that innocent texting might not seem like such a great idea.

    I've told 6th graders on up to seniors that "babies ruin lives" in my attempt to plant the seed in their head that a baby would ruin a lot of things/dreams prior to getting out in the real world for a bit. I've told a seventh grader that she needed to shape up before she wound up on drugs and/or pregnant. It's fucking scary to think about what kids might get into these days. No parents shouldn't shelter their kids from everything, but they should take certain precautions. Unfortunately, there are also a lot of parents that don't do a whole lot of parenting these days and EXPECT schools to do it all for them. It's their kids that you have to watch for.

    But what do I know...I'm not a parent.

  7. Can you possibly be any more insensitive?!? Dude's already worried 'cause his little girls in another state & he has limited influence/access to her, & now you got fuckin' diarrhea of the mouth :nono:

    Just because you teach 2nd graders, doesn't mean you know shit about parenting kids, so why don't you learn some tact & STFU

    Wow, somebody had a bad day. You don't need to be a dick about things. I would say her 5 year old is better behaved than the majority of kids out there. Personally, I'd have a problem with a nine year old texting. Sure she may be innocent, but that doesn't mean the boy is innocent. It's scary the acces kids have and the knowledge kids have about things these days, so you have to be realistic. I had first graders who played gta. Totally not appropriate for a first grader but those are the things that kids are exposed to regularly. Sorry to play the teacher card, but we see it every day, so Fonzie you do have to respect that a bit.

    Gump she's your little girl, she won't hate you forever if you act like a parent and not a friend. I also think your ex is totally setting you up to be the mean daddy, so she can be the cool mommy. Good luck!

  8. I'll be sending out some FR as well. Honestly, if I were to compare them and ignore all the MW2 glitches and balancing issues, I would say MW2. I thoroughly enjoyed COD4 and was expecting more from MW2, but I've been disappointed with all the glitches and balancing issues. I like MAG better just because it doesn't have all of that. Also, MAG has things you add on to guns and stuff, but not to point of some of the ridiculous perks on MW2. The lightfoot-tactical combo makes me want to throw my controller, because you can shoot them point blank in the face with a barrage of bullets and they lunge through them effortlessly to stab you. The noobtube plus one man army is horribly annoying as well. IW added a lot of things to MW2 in the hopes to make it better, but just ended up making it not fun, IMO. I might go back to COD4 though. :)

  9. The spawn killing is ridiculous. There are folks that will not even try to complete the objective, and just spawn camp. Not to mention the numerous glitches and bugs.

    Needless to say, I don't play as much as I used to.

    Agreed. I haven't played in weeks, because every time they fix one pain in the ass glitch, another one comes along that sucks all the fun out of every match. I really hate that game right now. I'm looking forward to playing MAG come Tuesday to replace that waste of $60. Grrrr.

  10. I tried to pick this up during Xmas, but I ran out of $$. :) Next time it happens to go on sale I might snatch it up.

    It's totally worth it! Very addicting. I'm not a big RPG person, but this has enough shooter elements to keep me interested. Just a really fun game. :) Send me an invite when you pick it up. I can always play that game.

  11. Lol I know we played together the other night. Btw Chachi and I are both now on our second play through as well

    I so didn't put 2 and 2 together on that one. DUH. As you can tell I don't read entire posts. I finally reached my 50 and played some of the zombie missions. Those are pretty fun. I still need to try the Moxxi thing.

  12. my roommate, my friend, my dad, and I have all been addicted to Borderlands lately. The four player online co-op is so much fun.

    I love Borderlands! It's an awesome game and a shame more people didn't tune into it. I'm working on my second playthrough and nearly that level 50 mark. Next I'll be tackling the zombies!

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