Disregarding your rant on college education for a moment, we are not talking about her high school GPA. My GPA in high school was also a 2.8, but I graduated college with a 3.7. College, or whatever post-secondary program you attend, is far different from high school. You didn't actually answer the question at hand. Now, to address your rant. While college may be overrated, the fact of the matter is that some jobs require a college degree whether you like it or not. As a teacher, I am in debt up to my f'n eyeballs, because not only am I required to have a bachelor's degree, but I am also required to pursue a master's. To top it off, the public generally neglects the fact that teacher's are public employees. Whenever a local tax debate comes up, without fail, people always mention police and firefighters, but rarely teachers. It's sad, but that's why teachers teach for the love of it, not the money. Ok, my rant is over now.