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Everything posted by KhaoticRebel

  1. Or you could just be smart and know where you're going all the time. That would save $70 and explain why Dweezel had to buy it.
  2. Here's what is being traded in the most: The Top Ten Cash for Clunkers Trade-Ins: 1. 1998 Ford Explorer 2. 1997 Ford Explorer 3. 1996 Ford Explorer 4. 1999 Ford Explorer 5. Jeep Grand Cherokee 6. Jeep Cherokee 7. 1995 Ford Explorer 8. 1994 Ford Explorer 9. 1997 Ford Windstar 10. 1999 Dodge Caravan
  3. In the words of Mr. Burns,"Exxxxxcellent."
  4. That's cheaper than throwing a controller.
  5. So you are an alien! Jk, personal responsibility has vanished. It's disgusting. Read this article and you'll see more of the epidemic: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/30585984/
  6. I know, we'll both be out of town this weekend, but next is available. I'll be in Cali and she'll be in Michigan (yuck). How about it?
  7. I didn't know I was supposed to be celebrating my mirror's birthday. I celebrated my recliner's and lamp's birthday, but not my mirror. Great, now I feel like a jerk.
  8. Whew, ok good, I'm safe then. I'll try to avoid any contact with the San Quentinites when I travel to Cali on Saturday. I don't want to bring back any California-isms.
  9. My new house is very central to my location. You and ole Trapper should come down here one of these days.
  10. We already did...you missed it. You have to wait until next year now.
  11. My parents and I are from California...what are you trying to say???
  12. You must be at least a few years older with that mentality. It's allllllll wrong for those in their early to mid twenties...or you're an alien.
  13. Nope, but you get marathons of Meerkat Manor.
  14. I wasn't bitching about pay, I guess I was thinking more about schools in general. People don't realize that it takes a lot of tax dollars to run a good school, especially in an area that keeps growing quickly. Sorry for the confusion. The thing I do bitch about is the amount of debt we rack up quickly since we're forced to after a master's within so many years of graduating. You graduate college with $25,000-$30,000 of loans and then have to turn right around and accrue another $15,000+. It's very depressing. The summers, holidays, and snow days definitely make up for everything though, don't get me wrong. I couldn't possibly have a job that was year round with only a few weeks of vacation. I don't know how you all do it.
  15. YES!! Thank you!! Somebody else who truly appreciates that movie! I totally agree. Everybody should watch that movie and if they don't understand it, then they're part of the problem.
  16. True. I'm 27, but I operate more on the same mentality as your boss. I don't need to be patted on the back all the time, just leave me alone until I do something wrong.
  17. That comment couldn't be closer to the truth. It is VERY frustrating to deal wtih as a teacher. Not only do the kids feel entitled, but the parents come storming in every time their child isn't given an A, whether the child earned it or not. We are screwed, LOL.
  18. Disregarding your rant on college education for a moment, we are not talking about her high school GPA. My GPA in high school was also a 2.8, but I graduated college with a 3.7. College, or whatever post-secondary program you attend, is far different from high school. You didn't actually answer the question at hand. Now, to address your rant. While college may be overrated, the fact of the matter is that some jobs require a college degree whether you like it or not. As a teacher, I am in debt up to my f'n eyeballs, because not only am I required to have a bachelor's degree, but I am also required to pursue a master's. To top it off, the public generally neglects the fact that teacher's are public employees. Whenever a local tax debate comes up, without fail, people always mention police and firefighters, but rarely teachers. It's sad, but that's why teachers teach for the love of it, not the money. Ok, my rant is over now.
  19. http://www.cnn.com/2009/US/08/03/new.york.jobless.graduate/index.html?iref=mpstoryview I LOL when I came to the part about her 2.7 GPA. Is she really that shocked she's not getting hired when she only had a high C average? Really? Is she also completely unaware of the fact that the nation is still in the midst of a recession and there are TONS of people that have lost jobs, are going to lose jobs, or can't find a new job? What an idiot.
  20. Toooo far, plus I like my idea better.
  21. Whatever you choose, make sure you can run google latitude so Dweezel, ScrappyM and I can stalk you! (Insert evil laugh here.)
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