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Everything posted by Vagabound

  1. In my experience, issue like this could be fuel pump. But I'd make sure tank is clean, fuel filter replaced. Also dump the fuel out of the gas tank and put known good gas in.
  2. Pfft, bite your neck! I see why they rigged a competition to Ban you. Ha
  3. It's brutal. Screen shot of all the test questions. Then pass the tests on the 2nd round!
  4. Just laughed out loud in a quite office! We must drink a beer together. Unless you don't ride or drink.
  5. Imagine the backlash if sold to a forum member!
  6. 30 hours of online OSHA training. Let the post whoreing begin!
  7. Vagabound

    F U Cbus

    Golden State just elevated themselves to unbeatable. Not sure how the Cavs will counter. Used up old Wade not the answer.
  8. Thanks for the heads up, I'll check out later.
  9. Well, if your going to be away from your family on a holiday, that IS the way to do. The rain gods blessed us with over cast sky's and a dry track till about 3:34p. That was THE emptiest track day I've ever done. Being at Mid-Ohio was just cherry! Big thanks to instructor Rick. Sorry about the first session talking to you received. When you wave me by, I'm grabbing some throttle. After the verbal spanking, Rick proved to be very knowledgable and had the most excellent personality to be a coach! Of course track days aren't worth it unless you meet some awesome people. Ohio Riders were well represented, however I'm terrible with names. Very nice catching up with Mark Junge, oh the memories. Such a class act and a ambassador to the sport. Have to say it was a bitter pride pill in the Novice class. When I finally got to Intermediate the big drops of rain started. Two and a half laps in and people started to drop like flies. Seeing THE most expensive bike on the track go down made me think about going out again so I just packed everything up. Good times, those who were scared about the forecast missed out!
  10. Garage #8. Running into some old guard peeps! May the rain gods bless us with a dry track. Not many people here!
  11. Grey Expedition, Grey RSV You have a pop up? If not half on a garage?
  12. Thanks, Jacob gave me a heads up. Perhaps they will cancel and give credits for another day if it's that dangerous.
  13. Warren next time your bending it over in a corner and my rear cam comes off---catch it! Nice to meet you, not often I meet young riders with their heads on straight.
  14. This crap has turned into a business. Only thing I can tell people is to lie. "Sir/Ma'am, have you been drinking"? The only answer is NO! At that point it's the LEO determination to proceed. Never and I mean never incriminate yourself. Of course just my opinion. Flame away. Oh, and house hunting sucks. Anyone have 5 acres, 4+ bed house with basement they want to get rid of? Out buildings a plus. Must be within 30 miles North of Lewis Center.
  15. Well if everyone stays home and I get a free and open track to 1p, money well spent! Posted in another thread, but I'm in need to borrow a back protector. I'd rather not spend the money on a new one. Left mine in Texas. PM me
  16. Oh hell! Does he still ride at least? Doubt he will remember me, but him and Trey would suck the paint off my bike passing! So big favor guys, I left my back protector in Texas. Anyone have a spare I can borrow. I'd rather not give Iron Pony anymore of my money. PM me please. I'm still taking a gamble for tomorrow. Hoping it rains early morning or late evening. Played the weather game before, and when the gamble works, some major fee track without much traffic.
  17. Rusty, Mark Junge, the Vesrah Suzuki rider? Are we talking about the same guy?
  18. No worries, I got tired! And might be a bit sore. Slabbing it back to C-Bus was brutal. LEO was definitely out in force. Thought I was going to make a donation today. Luckily he was to busy on his cell phone.
  19. Mark Junge is a tire vendor now? Wow
  20. Confused, never seen you behind me. I always slow down in the straights. We had a group of varying skill levels. Plus I was unsure of the route. Been awhile on these roads.
  21. 412 miles down, great way to be welcomed back to Ohio. Nice ride gentleman.
  22. Hey Bill, Called yesterday and only ten people had signed up for the "I". Because I hadn't actually rode the track they wouldn't put me in advanced. No worries, with only ten people---should be a blast. I can't speak for tires, however I know they do some "twilight" evening on Sunday. This is a new concept that I haven't heard before. Call them up, they were extremely nice to me! You can always drop tires off at Iron Pony, I'll pick them up for you, transport them to the track if your in a hurry.
  23. Very true, our addiction costs in more ways than just gas unfortunately. It's going to be over two bills for Monday. BTW, hoping to pit with someone that has a garage. Any forum members going to be there?
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