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Posts posted by Vagabound

  1. 12 hours ago, 0hi0 said:

    I'm at same spot. Back bar, back wall. Red Nicky Hayden t-shirt. 

    Which one of you fuck nutz gave me negative reputation for this? I'm feeling the love! :thefinger:

    In all seriousness, we are getting a nice group. Every week it's getting larger and larger. For some reason the bike night hasn't been as crowded so it's been very comfortable. Don't be hating on people getting together, come on out and be social.


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  2. 53 minutes ago, TimTheAzn said:

    Yea the person I know that ran it during a private track day recently is being a dick and not responding to my simple question of, have they started any kind of work yet.

    You seem to have a hard time getting along with people. 

    So it's still same bumpy place! 

  3. 1 hour ago, Isaac's Papa said:

    The defense attorney shifted blame. The PD charged him with adequate crimes. His negligence resulted in two dead people. The jury dropped the ball. 

    Peddlers have to follow the same laws as motorists on public roadways, riiiight?

    Possible the spandex Warriors were multiple abreast of each other? Which is a personal pet peave of mine. Not saying this is the case, but I know I've had some near misses on that kind of bullshit. 

  4. 39 minutes ago, ludwb675 said:

    I love the prowlers! I want one but they turned out to be huge collector items and they are way overpriced. I will probably own one at some point. 

    Loved the Prowlers, they looked so bad ass. But jackwagon engineers put a V-6 in it? Ouch

  5. 8 minutes ago, Idiot said:



    I think Springsteen did a song about all this...

    Crazy thing about cyber world, sometimes  you have no clue to whom your talking to.  Sometimes, makes you come off like a --- well, IDIOT. 

    • Upvote 1
  6. 10 minutes ago, jbot said:


    i actually have no clue what she's doing now, pauly might know better.  there was some drama llama-ing and steph pulled away from the group due to some dude (forget his name), and bill moved away for that good microsoft money, and kevin moved too.  some of the old gang (at least from up north) still ride together occasionally, but they just arrange stuff amongst themselves and don't really post on core anymore.  i think brian (wheelie monster) is near cbus and he races the minis and possibly back into the big bikes again.  haven't really heard from the rest of the old squad, and frankly, i joined that group on the tail end of the active period.

    Wow, so the glue who made it stick left and it all tumbled down. I was a bit quiet in those days. But if you remember the guy in the ragged out lime green/white leathers, that's me. Everyone remembered   those...

    I was on a worn out R6 at the time on the street. Racing a equally ragged out F4i in WERA endurance. 

  7. I was bored and this kept me entertained but also fuck the other guy. 

    Come on people, really? Best thread in how long? Ouch! 

    Lets do some rides, hang out for some bike nights, do some track days. Get out from the screen! 

  8. 38 minutes ago, what said:

    Just like in real life, Ohio shows up and shit hits the fan.

    I'm really trying to give you the benefit of the doubt. Hell, was even going to send you invite to a SE ride this Sunday. 

    But you got that, "I'll put my nose in business that ain't mine" vibe. Like the "Put me in coach" syndrome. Stop hanging off of others jock straps. 

    Hopefully I'm wrong. But keep on posting stupid shit and remove all doubt. 

    See, I can be just as rude and brash with the best of them. 

  9. 10 minutes ago, Casper said:

    Couldn't have said it better. If you get offended by something typed on the internet, you should probably sign off of Ohio Riders and go back to playing Pokemon Go. 

    You guys like putting words in people's mouth. I wasn't offended in ANYWAY. It was a simple exercise in turn about. 

  10. 18 minutes ago, jbot said:

    woah woah woah cowboy, let's get serious for a minute. If you're claiming that I am buddies with zx3-whatever the fuck, and was in any way condoning his low quality shitposts, my post was most definitely intended for the both of you milk drinking bitchmitts in your surly passive-agressive-cum-outright-challenge-at-all-aspects-of-life. You just happened to bite first, as is the custom of those who consume so much milk of the bull. i'm definitely poking fun at the both of yous, let's get that clear.

    as to the other stuff in the quoted post, I have a special place in my heart for CORE and road racers, so I'm just going to write it off as poor reading comprehension resulting from one too many loopty loops from a grattan ccw session. and a small dose of taking it all a little too seriously.

    Above all else, I can't speak for the other schmucks here, but if you read OR shitfests in the light hearted and generally well intended humor that it generally truly is (my comments included), you'll see that all are welcome and hated mostly evenly.

    Dude, I was just fucking bored. Someone fucked with me so I fucked back. Made my day go by faster. Plus I learned of ANOTHER douche to add to the ignore list. And I'm definitely not sorry you or anyone else got their panties in a wad. And again, beer and water is all I drink. Some of you have penis/gay on your mind waaaaaay to much  

    And WTF happened to CORE? I've never done Grattan CCW, and it's been probably ten years since I've been up there. 

    Oh, you kiss your kids with that mouth? Ha

  11. 3 minutes ago, JustinNck1 said:

    Welcome to the internet, where not everyone will agree with you, and people like to argue. Rule #1 of the internet, don't take it so seriously. Rule #2, always check your grammar before submitting :D

    I know how it works (wink wink). I'm recovering troll myself. But I have been trying to behave. Ha


  12. How do I get back into the OR "click"? So I can pm and text everyone to give and take away reputation points. And I can defend my buddies even when they post stupid shit. 

    Oh wait, that would make me a lil bitch. 

    Carry on with the gay bashing, banning games, pok hunt, etc. Thought this was a riding forum. 

  13. 7 minutes ago, jbot said:

    1. fine, be a spoil sport.  i still think you should do it.  i believe in you!

    2. probably something something midget something midohio something something

    3. no you're right, you definitely didn't challen- I mean invite, @MidgetTodd and @zx3vfr to meet you either on a track or a road, to presumably compare dicks- i mean to show each other how fast you are as compared to the relative strength with which you all bash the keyboard.

    Stay close to the facts. The first challenge I was invited. 

    Anyway, main instigator is bitching out. I don't need to insults anyone's bike, gear, clothing, grammar, sexual preference etc. Usually the biggest board assholes are cool to ride with. But this guy just seems like a lil bitch. And he will be a bitch till proven otherwise. So I'll stop feeding the Keyboard Warrior.

    Someone wants to act like an asshole on numerous occasions I'll dance. 

    • Downvote 2
  14. 1 minute ago, zx3vfr said:

    Go support Hillary some more.

    So there isn't substance to ANYTHING you have to say? Insults and assumptions. 

    Anyway Buttercup, I'm always up for a ride on the weekend. If you want to put down the keyboard and twist something other than your pud, let me know. 

    Ta Ta for now...

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  15. 9 minutes ago, jbot said:

    let's not get off topic with these minor quibbles.  the ancient laws dictate that all requirements for a "challenge at all aspects of life" are met and therefore, must now be dramatically thrown down with extreme hyperbole and mucho macho gusto.

    you're going to have to expound upon your second accusation of bitchcraft, with names and specific details.  for science. and for unnecessary and thinly veiled cyber bullying.

    as for your third point, there are plenty of fast guys here that don't flap their gums about it and furthermore don't feel the cringey need to use it as some sad validation of their bravado.  but that's partly how we got to "The Challenge", so don't hold back.  You are doing god's work.

    1st I'm to old to be challenging or what ever OR foolishness.

    2nd, he knows who he is. He has since tucked his tail between his legs. I respect that. 

    3rd, who the fuck says/said they are fast? I'm sure I'll hear crickets on this third point. 

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