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Posts posted by Vagabound

  1. 2 minutes ago, jbot said:




    before you lightweight milk drinking bitches go any further, please review the proper procedures.

    the official OR challenge

    Fuck, why do I have to be a milk drinking bitch? I prefer beer or water. And who is challenging who? I'm curious if Keyboard Warrior rides or just validates his existence behind a screen. 

    Last time I got challenged from OR dude didn't even have the sack to introduce himself. Then proceeded to make an ass out of himself thoughout the day while others apploligized for his behavior. 

    What the fuck OR, this use to be a place MEN could ride and back up their banter. 

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  2. 20 minutes ago, zx3vfr said:

    I heard there is a Starbucks down the road where you can take your Italian bike and get lots of tail...


    And by tail, I mean cock from other faggots that have wet dreams about Italian bikes.

    Your insults are so cute! It's a sign of being very unhappy in your personal life. Your significant other probably treats you like a little bitch. Hence why you get ballsy in cyberland. Congrats, I'm elevating you from troll to keyboard warrior. 

    How about a ride sweet cheeks? Sunday? Ok, enter in your insults and excuses below...

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  3. 8 minutes ago, zx3vfr said:

    Did someone get butt-hurt? Take a chill pill. I personally will take reliability over soul.

    Something obviously got in you butt. You asked for some attention by being an asshole so I gave it to you. Don't back down now Irene. 

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  4. 4 minutes ago, zx3vfr said:

    Buy an Aprilia, wear an Aprilia T-shirt. Guess you're one of those Italian bike loving douche bags.

    How cute, now we get name calling! Naw, I'm just an internet troll who shits on threads by adding zero value. 

    For the record I'm a huge Honda fan. However, when Honda grows a sack and makes something with the soul of the RSV, I'll buy one. 

    Troll on brother, I'm sure YOU think your being clever. 

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  5. 7 hours ago, buck_i said:

    I ended up having to bail. Chain was loose as shit and needed adjusted. Hopefully next week works out better for me.

    What kind of person shows up and not introduce themselves? But choose to stalk our conversations. After literally sitting next to us? Idiot, was that you? 

    Wojo was looking for you buck_i! 

  6. 10 minutes ago, Wojo72 said:

    Just made it. Where is everybody hanging out?

    Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk

    Inside back bar against wall. Aprilia racing shirt. Just finished eating. 

  7. Arrive at happy hour 4:45p. Happy hour ends at 6p. 

    If your in the service industry, don't have the audacity to ask me to tab out at 5:20p because of shift change. Especially when I haven't ordered food! 

    Rant over...

  8. 1 hour ago, Isaac's Papa said:

    I'm all for organized work forces, but the UAW can eat a giant bag of rotten dicks. 

    You might have more anger issues than I! 

  9. 2 minutes ago, DerekClouser said:

    PS. Maybe I'll turn the neons when I put her on the dyno.   That adds HP right?

    Bike scene has changed. This is my third time back in eighteen years. Late 90's everyone was much more tight and the economy was roaring so the disposable income was high. The inside the loop guys could cross into the SE rides no issues and vice versa. Oh the shenanigans, surprised I survived that shit. 

    2009 ish economy took a poo, housing collapsed and the bike community took a hit. 

    Nowadays most of my old buddies don't own bikes or family obligations. C.O.R.E. is non existent (wth happened). Posted some bike nights and seems like the Columbus people aren't into it. Went on a posted ride and only five guys show up. Wierd dynamics. But oh well, I'm always up for a ride and people watching at bike nights! 

    Oh, and everyone knows stickers make your bike faster! Ha

    Keep on keeping on, post up and let's get people involved again! 

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