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Everything posted by xTHExBOSSx46

  1. lol yea funny thing about my nudes from all my ex females. i had them all backed up on my hard drive that i also used to work on computers. program instalation yatta yatta. i went to install nortons on my friends brothers laptop and as soon as i plugged it in the usb port it automatically formatted my external hard drive and erased everything i had. lol. 3gb were nudes of past girls. kind of a conquest folder. when it happened i did in fact cry a little. and ill let her friend know. haha
  2. i hate to join this heated debate late, but this is the only statement any one has said that i can 100% agree with. i agree with both sides of the spectrum. always have. and have never voted only one side of the ballot but thats because i dont debate based on emotion or word of mouth. i do it based on fact and feeling based on that fact and i think this would turn out a lot better if all did so. not just in this forums thread but in the actual political world thus comming back to politicians doing what is best for all of us and not turning conservitivism nor libralism into the crazy fads that they have turned into. i had a conversation with 3 different people today that claimed to be democrats and voted that way in previus elections. when i asked why they couldnt give me an answer other then they thought it was the lesser of two evils. and when i asked why do you feel that way i got either "thats what i heard on tv" or a blank stare. and this goes for republicans too. no one in this world can deny that abortion is in fact a shitty thing. all dirty and messy and what not. i personally dont agree with it there are always other ways to prevent pregnancy from rape or the rubber breaking. its wither or not one chooses to go about those measures, BUT again no one has the authority to say which measure of preventing pregnancy is the right one for any paticular person but them selves. that is the way it always has been and always will be. its just one of those issues where it can go either way no matter what someone says.
  3. i know someone who wants this do you still have it? also clear your in box lol
  4. has anyone ever seen boondocks on adult swim? he reminds me of the character Riley from that show. they did a episode where he played basket ball. looks just like him too with the braids.
  5. pretty negotiable. most go for around the 110 range for a external that size. yes just a 250gb ide flaver drive is much cheaper but this is a external so i am factoring in the cost of the external exclosure i bought for it.
  6. i have a 250gb external hard drive. usb cable and power cord included. Eagle excolsure and inside is a western digital ide interface hard drive. if you ever want to upgrade the hard drive inside it is easily replaceable with another ide drive. works perfect. $80 obo. will also entertain reasonable trades. Thanks.
  7. My roomate is selling his 2 12" MTX subs and amp. They're already in a nice, relatively plain box. They're a little bit older and the model of the speakers and amp is unknown. All I can say is they're really good lol, sorry to be so general. One is blown however. He listens to all rock music, and really loud, you'd never even know the one was blown. Only when he played stuff with crazy bass REALLY loud could you even hear a raddling sound. These things put out some massive sound though, very good subs and amp. He is selling them b/c he had them in his old mustang and now he's driving an SUV and has no desire to get them put back in, just wants some money for them. He's looking for $150 firm. All the equipment is easily worth it, good deal. PM me or call him (Chris) at 614-570-3235. Thanks and again, sorry I couldn't provide more details. http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c166/lovesattelite/0924080044.jpg http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c166/lovesattelite/0924080044a.jpg
  8. i have 2 32mb mem cards i dont need 2 bucks a piece and madden 06 $5.
  9. i heard a big problem was from the loans that were given out on a 0 down payment loan to get people into homes. this meant that they had no money in the invest ment and when it went under the people giving the loans were fucked. im not going to mention who the sets of people were but if you heard the reports or listen to 610am at all you know who it is. basically they bailed out of their loans and were at lose for 0 dollars cause they didnt have any money in the investment and the people who did were the people giving the loans. if any one paid attention ealier the person who pushed the bill to be passed making all that possible to get all these bottom feeders and welfare abusers into homes was obamas vp. so i hear. and all the republicans backed it and so did the democrats. and now the gov't wants to buy out those loans and pay it back to the banks by way of our own tax money. what bull shit. what is our country turning into with these people currently running it and the people getting ready to. no matter which candidate wins we are all in for some trouble trying to get back on top.
  10. ill make sure my dad still wants it. ill let you know in the morning when he wakes up. thanks.
  11. lawl you wish you could ubber 1337 h4ck sum1's teh pc. haha jk
  12. i think he meant blank blu ray media lol
  13. yea dvd shrink is amazing. it doesnt pixelate like other copyers do such as dvd x copy back when you could actually buy that. i dont mind the media being a little pricey. i just think that i might as well invest in it since i invested in a 1080p tv. i see so many people buy newer tvs and not get the media to go with it. you might as well stick with what you had if your not going to utilize its features. unless you have game consoles which take advantage but if not there is no point.
  14. 5-10 bucks a disk is still better then 30-40 for a retail movie though. what software are you using?
  15. im debating on wither or not it would be worth while to buy a blu ray burner. does anyone know of software similar to what dvd x copy was or dvd shrink 3.2, that would do the same thing with blu ray discs?
  16. as the title states. any one got one or know someone who does?
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