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Everything posted by xTHExBOSSx46

  1. yea he doesnt have a problem there on that vid about it but the problem was where a book writen without his concent was publiched for monitary gain where as he recieves no royalties. thats where the problem was. if i were him i wouldnt sue but i understand why he filed the suit (sp?)
  2. possibly looking to sell my lg vx9900 (Env) for verizon wirless. would like to see $120. but will not sell for less then $100. in good condition. all the keys work fine. its the grey colored one. all screens work perfect. has basic wear on it from being in pocket. never dropped or seen water of any kind.
  3. i think it loks like a mix of the new vetts and the new camaro. i think it looks alright but im kinda fond of the newer look they currently have
  4. really? we are going there AGAIN!?!?!?!?! how come we are not still talking about korea or even veitnam for that matter? im not completly for this war and how things are being handeld but still. everyone would be better off arguing about abortion then to argue about bush again. dont worry guys your liberal messiah will be elected into office. we had 8 years of a democrat. 8 of a republican and we will more then likely have at least 8 more years of a democrate........................ un less he or she lies too or maybe gets caught in fliping sides on political issues such as the war. cough cough HILLARY cought.
  5. have a copy of office student and teacher edition for mac laying around. i dont own a mac. it was designed for mac os x. comes with 3 cd keys, manuel and disc. dont know what its worth but the sticker on it says $150. $20.00 takes it obo pick up only. located in new albany
  6. alright so i had a fuel pressure guage by autometer installed shortly before i had a eaton blower installed. no because of the new fuel rails i need a special adapter to hook this thing back up to the fuel rail. suposedly its not made anymore. its a saleen kit. does anyone have any info on this or possibly know where i might be able to get a hold of this adapter or get one custom made? all or any help is apriciated.
  7. sometimes if you go to task manager, click it end the process then go to where it is in your directory and delete it manually that works. sometimes you cant delete a running process. maybe try that before you reformat.
  8. if u end up seperating any of it i would like to buy the halo3 controller and a rechargable battery pak
  9. +1 newegg is teh uber mad 1337 skeet it would be better to get something cheap and new from them and u usually get it in two business days. ive had nothing but great luck when ordering from them.
  10. looking for a cheap lcd moniter. not really looking to spend more then 50 bucks. anything 15 in or larger. MUST BE WORKING lol. just need a cheap one for my sister for her computer.
  11. i just wanted a cheapy to throw in the media center but i decided to upgrade my gaming pc to a 500gb sata drive and just take the old one from that and throw it in the media center. thanks anyway guys
  12. as the title says. something with at least 80gb, IDE and inexpensive. my hard drive on my media center computer just fried and i cant record my shows now and ive missed the last two episodes of heroes. lemmie know what you guys got laying around
  13. nice pick up man plus your photographic abilities are very well rounded..... no pun lol
  14. it would be great for a learner bike and if it gets fixed it would be good for riding street. it just recently broke like a month ago. like i said just skip second gear. no one tought me to ride and i picked up really quick with it. i personally have never laid it down or dropped it even when i was teaching myself to ride in the neighborhood and in parking lots. so if u loose ur balence if u have any kind of uper body strength at all you will be fine not to lay it down. u wont have to worry bout wheeling it if u take off too strong either im sure it could if u really got on it and put a lot of effort into it but its not something ur gunna do on accident. ive never tried to do it.
  15. already gave it to my sisters for their schooling uses. if they decide they dont want it then ill get back with you. thanks though.
  16. bump. is there really no one who would want this?
  17. bump this is a good pc. again i will take the best offer. need to get rid of it for some cash
  18. i have a few phones. how much you looking to spend
  19. hey guys going to try and sell the katana again. 94 has a lil rashon both sides nothing super bad. second gear doesnt catch. perfectly ridable. just skip second gear. could use a rebuild on the tranny because of that. everything else is fine. changed the rear break pads but for some reason cant get pressure back into the rear breaks. i think there is too much air in the line or something but it worked fine before i took it apart.and put everything back together the way it was so i think it just needs bled out again. have all fenders. two new bottom fenders one is the color of the bike and one is yellow. just needs painted. or u can ride without the bottom ones. it looks fine either way. will have pics up tonight. thanks would like to see around $650 obo http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m160/xTHExBOSSx46/0808071534.jpg http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m160/xTHExBOSSx46/0808071534a.jpg http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m160/xTHExBOSSx46/0808071533a.jpg
  20. your a penis get out of here. lol
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