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Everything posted by jermattak

  1. welcome bro! were always out riding, let us know what part of cincy youre from
  2. screw harley! if you buy it, make sure you have alot of tools, and spare parts, and maybe a bucket under the motor when you park it
  3. was brandon dancing on it again?
  4. i have the sidi vertigos, the streetburners are bascially a shorter version of them, they are the most comfortable things i have ever worn, i would wear them as shoes everyday if they moved like regular shoes. I have icon boots, i hate icon, i bought them on sale a few years ago, i wore them for one season, worked in them for a few months, and i have holes in them, thin leather, no hard parts, but still heavy, i never trusted them, icon=overpriced parking lot stunting shit just look at all the hardware on the sidis! sidis have saved my legs twice already
  5. damn, wish i could have made it to this one!
  6. Edgar Allan Poe, so close its my grandmas maiden name. not sure how im related to him, great great great grandfathers brother? i would have to call my grandma and ask
  7. im not gonna be able to make this one unfortunantly, damnit! these parties are a good time for sure
  8. same as always, comfortable gear with maximum protection, and not "cool" parking lot stunna gear only meant to protect you from a walmart parking lot. Icon=overpriced stunting gear
  9. ive just been hearing there are just too many people there when its warm, sometimes to the point where its not fun at all, and everyone has to putt around
  10. me and my buddy went to has-been on a whim saturday! pm me your number and ill for surely hit you up. From what i hear, there is tons of riding around here. btw, it was all slop, we didnt even bother with the trails, they dont maintain the motocross tracks either in the winter, mud+deep ruts=me dumping it twice, haha so we stayed on the grassy parts and jumped shit...wish we could have done more, but itwas still worth it. I may not be the best, but i will try anything!
  11. like catman said, weld a head to it, that would be the safest thing, if you cant weld, or dont have access to one...drill and tap, it will only take a few minutes, i do it all the time at work because the retards i work with use air impact guns on m6 bolts
  12. nah man, im not downing on christians, i was making my point about people who dont know what they believe...i am one, just not the crazy religious kind, im the kind that does my best to live by what the bible says, along with my own convictions, and not shoving bibles down peoples throats, once again, more stereotypes!
  13. <cough>thosewerecatholics</cough> christians are supposed to be peaceful people, along with muslims, budhist, hindis...like i said before, some people dont understand their own religion, peace is talked about all over the new testament...but traditionally, most christians believe in war (not sure why) and alot of other beliefs that arent biblical (like smoke a cigarette and you will burn in hades for eternity)
  14. so what if he preached it, look at the whole catholic priest thing that happened, they preached sexual morality and some went off and had sex with kids... do you think they truly believed 100% that what they were preaching was true? or do you think they just slipped and fell into temptation, and temporarily went against their beliefs and were willing to accept the consequences? I believe it could go either way. But regardless of why he did it...bigotry is wrong, and i believe americans are dehuminizing muslims and arabs to the point where they dont even see them as stereotypes because the potrayal of barbaric arabs have been so deeply rooted in our heads since we were kids
  15. he pulled some crazy ass shit! apparently he wasnt as serious about peace as Buddha, Gandhi or Mother Teresa in the first place, so its not the same, your analogy is suggesting that he was a peaceful muslim, and all of a sudden, he snapped, and changed..we dont know that. This guy does not understand the basic principals of his own religion, or he did, and he had no faith in it, and decided to kill his wife.
  16. dude, did you wake her up by yelling in her face and take a picture of it?
  17. I do realize that, but youre condeming millions of people based on a few rotten people who dont understand their own religion. Every major religion has been misunderstood by a group of people, and people have died. You cannot substantiate any stereotypes of a group of people where there is at least one person who doesnt fit into a stereotype.
  18. now i remember how much red bul you and carrie drink, you probably went through ten cans that day! ....and this will pay for my shmokes, i cut back
  19. are you being serious dude? i know a few muslims, and even though i strongly disagree with with their religion, they are awesome people, who would never kill anyone for any reason
  20. not too far from us cincy people, were gonna be out that way alot this to ride dirtybikes at Has-Been Acres come out this way for some rides! or show us some indiana roads!
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