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Everything posted by jermattak

  1. how did you find that out dustin?
  2. bump for a sweet helmet, if i had a use for another helmet, i would get this one for sure
  3. nky, colerain township, ross townhip, orgonia, caesers creek, morrow, all over the place
  4. damnit, thought i made that one up
  5. im game even if the weather is bad, ill take the danger ranger
  6. woohoo! more cincy people
  7. pizza and beer is less than $100, and you can watch him and learn
  8. jermattak


    i want to try it too
  9. heli-coil=better than stock $300 is far too much when it can be fixed for less than 20$ (if i remember right) do what you wish, im just saying, it feels good to do it yourself and learn new skills, it will pay off now, and later down the road when more problems come up. And i disagree with you papa, remember how MOC (i think) changed a few of our members oil, and people crashed? i trust my torque wrench over someones word that they used one. This is a simple task, as long as its tightened to spec, it will not leak. Push your limits as a mechanic, obviusly dont go rebuild your forks at first, or anything like that, but try stuff you havent before, if you fuck up, fix it, or tell us and we will help you
  10. looks good i agree, black
  11. torque wrench is a handy tool, see, now you know! its all part of learning, you fuck shit up, and you fix it! do it yourself and you learn how to change your oil, and repair stripped threads, drilling, tapping, helicoiling, you learn alot when you screw stuff up. just try it, if all else fails, buy a pan, and do that yourself, its super easy too, easier than repairing it.
  12. lets hope he didnt, rain, sleet and snow wont stop him. But jermattak will for sure!

  13. any dealer for that matter, buy a shop manual, do all the work yourself, if you still cant figure something out, you have us
  14. still rockin the fucking x! oh well, so whos getting me drunk this weekend?
  15. jermattak


    i love motorcycles!
  16. i didnt, the instructions are with it, drill, tap, insert helicoil, its pretty simple, you can do it!
  17. :cheers: thank you! what did you get me? hopefully the spokeless chimp womb rims?
  18. i want it, but i already have 3 bikes in my garage.......
  19. helicoil it, its fine, actually if anything its BETTER than buying a new pan, steel and aluminum dont get along together verywell, and the helicoils are steel. This way, your threading steel into steel, and the chance of you stripping that again is lower. Ive talked to a few racer guys, and they say thats what the ama guys do when they get the bike, helicoil all the aluminum holes in the bike so they dont have to worry about stripping stuff when their crew is changing stuff really fast
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