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Everything posted by jermattak

  1. jermattak


    what part of cincinnati?
  2. jermattak


    moved here from Italy...and bought an American bike? whats wrong with you!? jk, welcome
  3. piss, i cant get one, dont have a title for my kx
  4. im in fairfield, I try not to ride 10/22 anymore, i dont have the self control on those roads, esp..22, its too perfect. But if you ever want to ride anywhere else, shoot me a text 2888313
  5. cant this sunday, but do you need an off road sticker to ride there?
  6. probably fell off someones roof on the highway, i just rolled over it, barely felt it!
  7. 2 birds, a chipmunk, and a raccoon, the raccoon hit my foot, it hurt pretty bad...i watched my friend PUNCH a bird at about 50mph, said it was going straight at him, hes lucky he didn't break anything we talking foreign objects now too? in that case, the biggest object i ran over was a mattress...i watched e-flores almost get hit with a flying hubcap once in that crazy windstorm in Columbus at the OR 2nd year anniversary
  8. :rofl: thats awesome me? i dont care, bury me in the backyard, or tie me onto the rafters at the funeral and swing me out over the crowd after the first "amen" and scare everyone
  9. When I wrecked, I was out for four months, had a limp for over 6, and Im able to jump and run now, but I'll never be 100% Im lucky though, they told me there was a big chance that they wouldn't be able to save the bone, and I would be walking with a cane the rest of my life. That experience really opened my eyes
  10. Haha, it's not worth the risk anymore, I got to the point where I was fast enough on the street to where if I pushed any harder, I would eventually die. Now I ride fast enough to get a little thrill but slow enough to have enough control and time to handle whatever te road throws at me. I still ride like a complete jackass on the dirtbike though, that's how I get my fix now
  11. Can't make it, I can ride tonight though Luke, shoot me a text, I don't ride really fast anymore, so hopefully I won't bore you too much
  12. im going, ill be entering in a few catagories this year
  13. It happens on dirtbikes alot, sometimes the clamps turn a little bit, or the rubber inside them get bunched up, loosen the clamps and wiggle the bars around a little bit
  14. About 40k for me, between 5 different bikes
  15. I always get "since your wearing your gear and you stopped, I'll let you go, ride safe, I don't want to scrape you off the highway"
  16. hahaha, person in front of you is going 5 mph over? PIT maneuver their ass! Someone missed the trashcan? stab him in the kidney! riding the berm says to me "I'm in a hurry, I'm not causing you any trouble by doing this, I may get pulled over, but I'm willing to take the risk...mind your own business, or follow me if you'd like, i don't care" anyways, I was in contact with a few people at the AMA, and they said they have tried a few times to legalize it in Ohio (or at least make the law clear) and all attempts have failed. They told me they had no interest in trying again
  17. mason is the ducks tits, there is all kinds of stuff going on. I live in fairfield township, its nice, just quiet, not much out here, but its convienent being in between hamilton, fairfield and west chester. Fairfield city sucks, it has gone downhill, alot of it has gone section 8. Sharonville is full of old people, i dont like going there too much
  18. That was you who texted me! I lost some numbers getting a new phone, you goin to party in the park tonight?
  19. Oops, mod please move this to southwest, thanks
  20. Anyone going down there tonight? I have a few others going too
  21. I love street and track, but if it ame down to it, I would sell my Gsxr before the kx, hard trail riding is more fun
  22. bump...back protector is sold, pants are still for sale!
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