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Everything posted by jermattak

  1. i hate you jeremy! i need to see them, neeed
  2. listen here queers, im gonna be HEATED if no one here cafes this bad boy. I need someone to record race with
  3. eek, uhm. virus, officer negative, with some discharge/motorhead influence, pretty weird stuff, street punk with little metal licks, and punk vocals
  4. jermattak


    ill be in chicago this weekend! woo hoo!
  5. no sir, done with that a few years ago, i might be able to find some cds
  6. guys these things make awesome cafe bikes, just sayin
  7. i fail everytime i post a thread that doesnt have to do with riding..well, my life sucks..i dont recall seeing anything about pandora DANGIT
  8. dude, i love your avatar, thats awesome! anyway, thats some funny stuff, bush was cracking up too
  9. good! i was starting to feel like complete loser!
  10. im obsessed, i love it, there is alot of things like it, but if you dont know what it is, you put in songs, artists and albums you like and it makes an online radi station of stuff you would like pandora.com http://www.pandora.com/people/jermattak
  11. sounds about right, i should go back to college:dj:
  12. i dont understand how this works...i remember a teacher or too that i would have like to knock boots with, its not like you can hit on them and ask them out, and its not like you will hang out, and one thing leads to another...i dunno :lol
  13. lizard, i found mine on gunbroker, you can buy the polymer furniture very cheap if you cant find one with it
  14. sounds like ill be the only one at work tomorrow
  15. jeremi? http://www.390bike.com/new_vehicle_detail.asp?sid=04484674X12K8K2008J11I40I13JAMQ4968R0&veh=72874&pov=1076313
  16. holy crap! i work on those things!!! i probably was a part of making half of al that stuff
  17. nice avatar! makes me want to go pick up a kuba

  18. how do they hold up in wrecks? what kind of test do they go through?
  19. i have done it a few times, just be careful, thats it
  20. my guy has a website up now, pics of my newest tattoo should be up in a few days, check his stuff out mariotattoos.com
  21. love the half sleeve greg! mine is finally done, ill post pics here in a bit
  22. its romanian, CI technically, its a wasr 10/63, not the wasr 10, its built on an original romanian reciever, supposably the wasr 10 is crap like all the other ci guns, but the 10/63 is a really good gun, everything feels good, looks good, still havent shot it... anyone in cincy have any land for shooting? a few of us have some new guns that we cant shoot at target world
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