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Everything posted by jermattak

  1. did you recently purchase your motorbike? i saw one just like it on craigslist in columbus, and i wanted it!
  2. i would rock it, i would monstermoto over all of your bikes at the bike night!
  3. thanks a million guys, through ohioriders i have met alot of awesome people, rode with everyone, and learned bits and pieces from a few. I have an awesome time on any of the rides, and anytime i go up to c-bus (thanks for letting me crash at your house!) you guys rock
  4. jess, this happened a week ago
  5. he still hasnt made a thread to see how many people are coming like i told him hey queer! if you see this make a thread! jon needs to know if he should buy a big piggy, or a small piggy!
  6. he is out of town this weekend bra dangit jon, you beat me
  7. screw that, come down and party at chris's saturday night
  8. cincy isnt on there? anyways, thats sad!
  9. jeremy, chris lives in milford, five minutes away from qs&l ill def. be there saturday, i might go depending if im comfy riding by then, i def. wont be riding on chris's butt again down there, too many bad things can happen on the road. you slow people make sure i stay going slow, dont even let me get tempted to get a knee down
  10. ..............ok ill do it! BOTH days if i can get a ride with someone, and were home no later than ten. I'll just hide in a corner at work on monday and sleep
  11. not unless i can be back sunday afternoon, gotta be up at 3:30 monday
  12. he bit it in the third pic, right?
  13. if anyone is going just saturday with a trailer lemme qith room lemme know, i'll pay my share of gas
  14. jermattak


    just keep an eye on the boards too
  15. jermattak


    everyone needs to quit crashing around here! glad your somewhat ok man, you dont need an x-ray, popsicle stick it! they would do the same anyway, only they have fancy ones
  16. not this weekend stupid! sept 27/28
  17. slight chance sir. alex is moving on monday to texas, sooooooo, hehe
  18. you riding what? your dual dork?
  19. ahh man. do me a favor and pleeease do not bring the junkies drama in my thread, im begging you. and david, it was a wide open turn, i could see all the way through it, no kids, no cows, no planes, trains or automobiles. Didnt say it was a blind turn, i was pushing my luck, and nearly died, twice. I should be six feet under, or in a body cast. Ill take that as a sign. Like i said before, im done dragging knee on the street.
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