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Everything posted by jermattak

  1. whoa, i never noticed that about buells, funky
  2. brennan, i love your avatar, but im thinking they are gonna make you take it down, buuuuuutttt, you are allowed to say fuck here
  3. psshh, im still a youngin too, im 19. it was fun going to the lodge bar that crazy night with big x's on my paws. I remember greg said, "hey buddy! grab a beer!......oh..wait, what!?"
  4. yeah, be careful out there, all blind turnss, deer are everywhere, and most of those roads are in horrible condition! (stay far far away from yeatman, and day rd.) i had a friend wreck on hughs (midgetville) i thought he was dead, and alot of people blamed me for it, hes fine though. East miami is the worst in some areas, each lane is cut in half kinda, and the other side dips down about a foot! there are some great roads around there if you explore a little.
  5. this is my little buddy that i was talking about in the 250 thread welcome brother!
  6. oh yeah? i live in fairfield township! i went to FHS. you should have just showed up! ive been out to miamitown,did you take river rd to e miami river? around there, and colerain township are the best within 20 miles, your like five minutes away, we gotta ride man!
  7. yeah man, sounds cool, i get off at 330, possibly one thirty, what time do you get off? we should actually get some riding in this time
  8. awesome race, the battle was great, stoners bike was all over the place, i knew that would happen. I was screaming at the tv when he dropped it though!
  9. got your pm, should be there for a little, i have to work at 5am, so i head out pretty early
  10. finnaly! were getting more cincy people, hit me up anytime man, keep an eye on the cincy forum, or pm me whenever. where in cincy are you?
  11. nice bike! my pops bought me a suzuki 50cc bike when i was six, but mom made us sell it after my little brother (was five!) wrecked on it. then he bought me a racing gocart with an 80cc motor when i was nine:badgerrock: ...but she made us sell that too
  12. wowthats a big turnout, looks like fun. more people showed up for that than the 2 year anniversery
  13. i know bro! i was pulled over for not pulling over for not doing anything
  14. see ya then man! same to ya 513 288 8313 anyone else who sees this is welcome to come, the more the merrier!
  15. yes sir, thats the one, im gonna be crunched on time, im going to brookville right now for a family thing, just to say hey, be nice for a few minutes, head back and get my boots and leathers. lets make it 3:30 if thats ok?
  16. sweet, your gonna like it. im trying to think of a place to meet up... ok, there is a little gas station on the corner of rt 350 and rt123 right off 71 past kings island and all that stuff, i wish i had an addy but you just take the 123 exit on 71, and turn right, and its right there on your left
  17. i dunno, have you eveer been out to the roads around orgonia? those are always a blast. where in cincy are you again?
  18. motorcycle>furniture stock your place with cardboard, and milk crates, or even goodwill furniture and keep the bike!
  19. well sirs, i cant ride sunday, but im down for today. brandon, wanna meet up around three?
  20. No one ever posts up rides in cincy, so i thought i would try to get some cincy people together, i honestly dont care where we ride, i just need to spend more than a hour on my bike! havent been on a real ride in like two weeks, im free after 2:30 someone pick a place to ride, and we can meet up around there around three
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