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Everything posted by jermattak

  1. maybe next year, ill get one, just got another car, going to mexico, L.A., chicago, new york, pittsburg, and florida this year, i need money. the only thing is that i was reading up on them before i bought my srad, and everyone is saying that the handling is so unpredictable, and that the chassis wasnt made to handle that motor...and i like the twisties and im not big into freeway cowboy style riding
  2. I want a TLr so bad, or a TLs, those are some sexy machines, sound sick too
  3. i run brights day and night, they arent that bright anyway since the bike is 8 years old, no one can tell my brights are on
  4. jermattak


    in your experience, how long does it take to get a passport? I know it can take up to 6 months, but I am supposed to leave for mexico in june, and im wondering if i should even try to get one, thanks!
  5. are you the guy on GDC i PM'd about this site?
  6. jermattak

    new kawi

    nice! I had a CSR 650, i miss it, I want a KZ 1000 really bad, im thinking about getting one this coming winter for a project
  7. hello agin, the cow pie was fun, haha, seeing it crusted up on th bottom of my bike the next was not
  8. well, wiggled out of the family business, but now my bike will be out of commision for a week, needs a new fuel pump gasket, had to order it
  9. jermattak

    new bike

    dont do it! go with the 1k
  10. what time are you coming in? I prolly wont be able to anyway, i have to work, then I have some family stuff going on, i may be able to wiggle my way out of it though
  11. catholosism makes no sense to me, I dont understand all the religious ceremonies and stuff. The bible says repent to god, and they repent to a priest, the bible says God hates religion, but they pray with beads, and say that the red wine is REALLY jesus' blood! (gross) The bible says that the only way to god is through christ, but they pray through mary. this is what really blows my mind...the bible says to sell what you have and give to the poor, bless the poor, least of these...etc. But when i see cathedrals, i see mass gold, huge ceilings, stained glass windows with jesus with a gold crown...jesus was homeless! Some of those people wouldnt know jesus if he rolled up on a Ducati in a red suit and bit one of their deacons. No offense to any catholics on this board, but i wish i knew a devout catholic so i could debate with them
  12. dont say that bro, hey man, you wanna come help me with those brakes, and we will get some grub er somethin tomorrow or tuesday?
  13. it stopped snowing here around four, with a grand total of 16 inches! im sure that husky is having fun. i heard on the news taht people are losing their pets in the snow today, so i made our cat play in the snow!
  14. haha, avaranch! you havent been on here in a while, long time no see
  15. jermattak


    ^thats why i didnt go in today!
  16. good luck with that, and actually there is actually about 18 inches, i measured, haha, this reminds me of the great blizzard of 1978
  17. i have 14 inches on my back porch, blizzard warning, cops are arresting people driving!
  18. dont even talk aaron, next time im in cbus, were gonna scrap... just kiddin, ive been trying all night to beat you
  19. heck yeah, we should go around the end of the month or somethin, i think its like $16
  20. the avatar, this thread, someone must be having a bad day
  21. it is a slick track, but its not an oval like the others, ive been there, but this will be my first time on it
  22. yes sir, cant remember the name
  23. ive never rode in the backroads around there, ill check some of them out when im out there at that one go kart place on sunday, that place is tight!
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