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Everything posted by jermattak

  1. that camo bike is sweet! i want that shirt woth the gun
  2. what!! everywhere in ohio except cincy, whats the deal with those shirts? didnt hear about that
  3. jermattak


    what is Tnt, and what is KK?
  4. 10/22 is amazing, until your generator goes out, and you have to swap batteries with your buddy every 20 miles to get back. haha, it was fun anyway, 22 is probably one of the best roads ive been on
  5. 1200 miles on the stocker? jeez! i get like 3000 out of sporttires
  6. arg, my generator or rectifier went out on ky22 sunday, so im out, this sucks! Todd, take her on the ride me and teej took you on, if i remember correctly, she lives on the east side, so it would be closer to her
  7. but waking up with spotted undies every morning would get annoying
  8. welcome man, nice riding with you
  9. i want hi res, nice looking pics, i need one to put on my ceiling over my bed so its the first thing i see before i sleep, and the first thing i see when i wake up, and maybe ride it in my dreams
  10. so what if its gravel? just go easy on it, and put something down for the kickstand to stay on
  11. haha, i love them all, he first one with the cat was hilarious
  12. i ride a greasy old 600, plus i dont feel like i have enough experience to ride top speed through traffic for an hour. I think im the only one who said i would be at the finish line
  13. i had a speak and spell
  14. ill be at the finish line in cincy with a video camera, just give me a time and date
  15. OMG, i want a motorized skateboard, looks like a weedwhacker motor, someone smart tell me how to hook something up like that
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