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Everything posted by jermattak

  1. I call it lame...Somehow my old thread disapeared. Ive seen a few cincy people pop up on here. Ive been passing out lots of cards too. Just thought I would give everyone an op to shout out, and meet everyone and plan some rides in here.
  2. group buy, but seriously, ive been looking at their last years pics, and I didnt see one sportbike, were gonna ruin alot of peoples weeks, haha
  3. exactly what i was about to say! lets do it
  4. welcome bro, dont mind him, Im a busy guy. Keep in touch, we'll all ride and stuff. Ive been trying to get more Nati people here, now that Satans wife sent me cards
  5. I have 5k to screw with, if you have or know anyone who has one, email me @ jermattak@yahoo.com no rust or tranny problems please. BTW the reason why I want an NA instead of aTT is price, cant afford the gas, or maintenence. Also dont have enough experience with high performance car motors to keep a TT as a daily D
  6. for real lizard? I have seen that on cincys craiglist for like a year
  7. come on buddy, repost on a local board of this size?
  8. for realim registering, and advertising, make some cards!
  9. ^something needs to happen there, i think he's hacked im kind of scared. have they ever had a major change like this?
  10. yup, dumb rich jocks...think they are better than everyone else because their mommies and daddies bye them lexus's and bimmers. I cant stand it, one put a rock through my window a few years back. Still havent figured out which one it was though
  11. yeah, west chester blows. Back in high school, I had alot of problems with lakota kids...and now cops
  12. that would be west chester. Its kind of a rich little city
  13. its gonna suck to ride on the roads when there is a foot of dust on the roads like the 20's and 30's all over again
  14. status: I wore a suit, listened to frank sinatra on my way, presented myself nicely, but acted disapointed in myself. I got a $50 ticket, no suspension.....holy crap, I dont understand how thats possible, I got a $110 ticket for doing 14 over last year....god, im good I showed the magistrate the ORC, and he dropped it. thanks guys!
  15. i made a cardboard one that said CUMGZLR, and put it on the back of my friends car
  16. is all good if I get privaledges, i got friends and hootchies to haul me around town.
  17. well tomorrow is the day of truth, I know i will only get a ticket for 31 over, what will you guys think will happen? mc endorsement taken? license taken? for how long? just a ticket? do you like to bet?
  18. heck yeah! fj40's are tight, I would destroy anything in my path to own one. You best post lots of pics and videos
  19. here we go, color is done and yes, i know they may look a little off with eachother in this pic, but i had to stretch one to hold the camera, and yes, i also know im skinny and pale
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