Ok...so...I got pulled over for speeding tonight, and in addition to speeding, he said that I was illegally riding at night!? I have my liscense, I passed the test with a freaking 95 or something. My license says MC Novice, and thats why he said I wasnt aloud to ride at night, he said with a MC Novice license, you 1. Have to wear a helmet 2. No passengers 3. No riding at night WTF!? Thats what it was like back when I had my temps! To my understanding Mc novice is given to you for the first year after you pass the riding test, and it just means you have to wear a helmet. I lost the paperwork they gave me when I passed back in may or something. I already know I'll be getting raped on the speeding ticket part (deserved it), but Im not about to bend over, and let Johnny law and his boys pull this fascist train on me! this is what I keep stumbling upon, can someone give me more info? I think they were confusing the temps, and the mc novice thing. I even had to show them (yes, them, there were 4 cops) where it said MC novice on my license. "". . . No person who is under the age of eighteen years, or who holds a motorcycle operator's endorsement or license bearing a "novice" designation that is currently in effect as provided in section 4507.13 of the Revised Code, shall operate a motorcycle on a highway, or be a passenger on a motorcycle, unless wearing a protective helmet on his head, and no other person shall be a passenger on a motorcycle operated by such a person unless similarly wearing a protective helmet. . . ."