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Posts posted by Dweezel

  1. eh, I think she's just much larger than the two girls she's standing between. and the fact that all you can see is her head, and then two really small people. I know if I catch a pic of me and Tonya, where all you can see is her and my hand and my head like if she's sittin on my lap, or something, I look like a disproportionate freak. I'm over a foot taller than her, and 150+ lbs heavier.

  2. The new open source OS that the Storm runs. It's by google.

    also, remember there is no MMS for the iPhone, which means no picture messages, so if you cannot live without them, that may be an issue. A work around is to just have people text them to your email and you'll get them in there, and to send them you need to email them to their phone. every phone number has an email address, I know ATT's is yournumber@txt.att.net and that will send a pic message to whoever I want that is on att, every carriers is different, and it's kinda a pain in the ass to set them up at first but if it's not a big deal to you, like it isn't to me, then it probably won't bother you. The phone has way to many positives that make that easy to over look.

  3. I love it. I travel all over the country for work and I've always got signal. Download iTunes if you don't all ready have it and check the app store, there's quite a few medical apps available. and with the wifi connection or 3G you should be able to get it decently quick. Not to mention all the awesome shit you can do with it (Pandora, PNS Podcasts, GPS directions etc) the new 2.2 firmware even gives walking directions and has google's street view too.

    But the biggest thing is the app store, go through the store and check it out, it's free to download and look so even if you decide against it it won't cost you anything.

  4. this should be the flyer :)

    Well since this forum is for sport bikes and cruizers, you need to photoshop in an almighty HD with some girl that properly represents the crowd, since we sport bikers are properly represented, say an early 50 Y\o bleach blonde lady, who's about 70lbs overweight, in skin tight leather, and missing 1/2 of her teef. Oh, and don't forget the mullet :lol::dj:

  5. Yes, there's no special black magic that makes it impossible to switch back. Hell you can run 50/50 if you want, or any combination in between. Run Syn this week, pull it and put dyno juice in it next week, then in a month drain half and top off with synthetic.

    Personally I don't see why the hell you'd change the oil just to put it in storage.

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