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Posts posted by Dweezel

  1. Curse you Dweez......May your camel have many humps!!! :D

    No multiples, although the oldest boys are "Irish Twins".......356 days apart

    2 teens, a tween, & a toddler. I thought we talked about this last weekend at dinner when we met Dan Zane?!? :lol:

    we did, we did, I just can't believe you got laid 4 seperate times :p

  2. The impact at the end is what killed him I'm sure. They go up in flames all the time like it did before the wreck. He hit that pit around 200 and that would kill anyone probably.

    It's always weird watching the final eliminations after something like that happens. Just as it was with Eric Medlen last year. Jim Head when interviewed about it was talking about shortening the races for funny car to 1/8th mile or something else. He mentioned that after the 1000ft mark is when they get REALLY insane and dangerous because that's when they start increasing upwards towards 300+mph. Who knows, maybe there will be a decrease in race length for the nitro cars in time. :dunno:

    I hope not. After that, they'll sell out to DMG and they'll be drag racing spec cars. I DO however think they really need to have longer run-outs for just such instances. Over all Drag Racing is actually quite a safe sport, it's sad to see stuff like this happen.

  3. Seriously, I'm so sick of people, namely my friends, who talk about how they want to ride and oh I did this and I did that and all this other shit, so fine. I put together a ride to Whitewoman street For dinner tonight because this is the only day this one friends girl has off, no biggie to me. Ride down from here is awesome, and the food is even better. Here's a link to the map, zoom in and check the roads, and their all recently paved, and through the countrywith a few small towns.


    Now the day of the ride, people are bickering, "oh it's too far, 2 hour ride for dinner" and all kinds of other petty stupid shit. need I mention these are the same people who will ride 2 hours to go to a bike night :wtf:

    SO, me and and old guy friend of my girls from HS who we recently met up with who has a bike, and a old female friend of mine from HS who'm i've always talked with, are going on a ride to 400 N Whitewoman street today, without the other 2 bikes, and 3 whining mouths. if anyone cares to meet us there, we'll be pulling in about 7!

  4. Well I guess I'll hear all about it Sunday night while I'm watching the races.

    That looked AWFUL! He hit the sand WAY too hard. He HAD to have been unconcious or something. They NEVER hit it that hard. :eek:

    He pulled the chute when the car first went up, or their automatic, they got tangled up upon deployment. I hope at least he was unconcious when that happened, I couldn't imagine being burned to death like that.

    RIP Scott!

    Also, Youtube and other video sites have the most classless people. I can't stand reading comments on those sites. Such idiots. :nono:

    Very true. Karma is a bitch though, hopefully allot of them will die in fires as well and people will remember them by saying they were idiots.
  5. I read an article in the most recent Super Streetbike that said that the bikes are made to run on higher octane gas. You CAN use lower grade, but after time, it will wear down faster.

    eh, I wouldn't run anything lower than the factory recommended min octane. My bike requires a min 87, and if we're just going on a long cruise and not beating on it I'll run it, but if I'm gonna hammer on it I run 93. I was out the track after a long trip wit 3/4 of a tank of 87, couldn't get the bike out of the 11.20s, after half a day, I was out of fuel, went down and filled her up with 93 and the next pass I was back at low 10.80's the rest of the day. There is definitely something to be said for that.

  6. if you know where too look there are plenty of nice roads. On and your gonna have to break posted speed limits in Ohio. I've never been to Cali, but I cant imagine they'd have a twisty ass roads with a 115mph speed limit :wtf:

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