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Everything posted by Adam

  1. Get in contact with the VA about all of their options, I have heard "rumors" of some states paying for instate tuition for vets and you get to keep your GI bill (remember rumors). Also, I think the GI bills doesn't state you can only go to school for 3 years continuously, but that it pays for 36 months of school which as I took it meant a degree, as if you didn't go to school in the summer time and stuff like that. Doesn't the GI bill pay monthly?
  2. Adam

    Beretta 92fs

    If I get a GI form it will be a Colt, if not GI form it will be some super mall ninja .45
  3. Ride motorcycles problem solved Seriously though if I am looking at a new car and it doesn't say around 50 mpgs, I get angry and punish the car companies by buying something old and more fun with a transmission final gear of .50
  4. Jack stands, front wheels blocked, i don't see the problem
  5. Adam

    Beretta 92fs

    come on dawg a stack is 1g on the streets
  6. Adam

    Beretta 92fs

    Yeah I want to but I would want to get a nice one, but hate spending more than a stack for a pistol
  7. Adam

    Beretta 92fs

    why that would be cool, i really dont shoot enough down here
  8. Adam

    Beretta 92fs

    Its not as bad as I am saying, just doesn't have the group I would like to have, which would be shot touching shot. Its just a running joke, because some of the people I shoot with are a lot better than I am(doesn't make up for the rifle shooting though)
  9. Adam

    Beretta 92fs

    why not? only thing I can come up with is they feel a little thick in my hand, but I do like the way it feels
  10. Adam

    Beretta 92fs

    Yeah I seen those, but I have an xdm .40 that I can't hit the broad side of a barn with, just wanted to pick up a different caliber
  11. Adam

    Beretta 92fs

    No sidearms, its just I am looking to buy a nine.
  12. Adam

    Beretta 92fs

    Am I being too super army hooah for wanting one of these. Pretty much I am wanting something in 9mm, and my thinking is if I am going to get something I might as well get something I can familiarize myself for work. Is there something out there that I should get that would have some kind of selling point that would trump that line of thinking?
  13. Adam

    wife's ccw

    is it a full size, it looks like a compact in your paw
  14. ah i thought you were moving, if some guy is buying that is his responsibility to get the car. I meant if you were moving we could load it up on the truck and trailer and I would move it for you
  15. Adam

    wife's ccw

    how did you get away with not getting her a Croatian made springfield either way, its about time Jen moved away from the blades to something more modern
  16. is it not driveable? If you aren't in a super hurry I could maybe put it on the trailer for you and take it down
  17. For the people happy with .gov healthcare passing.....just wait. I am sure there are good instance out there of government healthcare, but people are going to be pissed
  18. I am in the camp that upper and lower receivers don't matter enough to spend a lot of money on. It is hard to mess those up, and my stag'ed upper and lower rifle has been a great first time purchase, learn about the AR platform. Has seen a shit ton of ammo go through it. But I also can't get rid of the buy cheapest get junk thinking also. So I stayed away from the absolute cheapest route you can go with. Just my own experience
  19. Floyd, VA very relaxed lots of wineries, meaderies (sp?), and an awesome place that makes cider (foggy ridge). Awesome organic homemade pizza joint, kinda weird that it has all of this cultural shit in the middle of nowhere
  20. anyone know of an online stream of the game or a radio broadcast?
  21. Yeah but the restaurant and conceal carry fixes bill just got the no go
  22. that is more like neighborhood defense
  23. I found out before xmas that maxton is 45 miles from post. North Carolina is turning out to be an interesting state
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