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Everything posted by nochknstrps

  1. The tags need to be edited. Way too much homoerotic shit going on and my name is in it. Ok! I'm sold! So which color?
  2. eh I'm not worried about him anyways. I'm really just waiting for more reviews. As you can tell I'm not in any rush
  3. I dont know if I could put up with mclovins mouth if I ride a yamaha.
  4. You fockers crack me up
  5. ^you've come to the right place.
  6. hmmmm.... I just don't know what to make of it yet. I do know that France has some sweet lookin roads.
  7. I didn't mean for this to be a pissin contest between people with 600s and 1000s, but oh well. There are many reasons why someone would prefer a liter bike over a smaller bike. I just wanted see what the neh sayers to having a liter bike because you can't use all of its power would consider using all of its power. Casper, NinjaNick and Lizard made good points as to what it would be to use all of its power, the rest of you, mostly 600 riders just turned it into a dick measuring contest and I bet most of you haven't spent enough time in the seat of one if ever to to even justify critizing. So with that said I say you're mostly too chicken shit, affraid that with your lack of throttle control you'll just loop the bike. The 600 is safe for you and thats alright, just don't cut on the guys with the balls to push their limits. Sure there are the idoits that shouldn't even be on a big bike or a bike at all. There are guys on 600s that are the same way. Don't lump all of us liter bike riders together, some of us actually have the skill to leave your ass in the twistes and its not because you're on a smaller bike.
  8. WTF are you talking about!?
  9. Statefarm isn't that great of insurance anyways. They seem like they are a great deal with their rates, well thier old rates. But the thing is they don't cover medical bills. So in the end its worth spending the extra money to go with nationwide, progressive etc.
  10. Swenson's up in the akron/medina area has good burgers.
  11. nick you def. have some rep coming your way.
  12. Well I didn't think you were picking on me, I can't recall a time you out ran me. You were only in front because you were leading the ride.
  13. Awh that pic explains it all JRMiii, but you could have done without the haiku. Parks you and your 675 think you can pick on everyone huh? good point ben. Race ready bike, superstock.
  14. i know its not the same but why not the 600? And do you use all the 120 hp, how do you know?
  15. ^you're in the wrong thread. benyen's def poetry jam thread is a few days old. So do you or don't you ride a Sv1000? Did you buy it just for the copper top?
  16. Yeah bro, four post in and you start a thread like this.... Congrats! welcome to the board.
  17. I will be there for sure... where is this Coshocton group. What highways did you guys take? 77 eh?
  18. Just cause I'll be in my office tomorrow bored to death and I'll need something to kill time. Lets discuss the most common statements associated with Liter bikes... You don't need liter bike...Noone ever uses all the power of a 1000. What exactly quantifies using all the power of a liter bike?
  19. Did you guys drive this route to get there last weekend?
  20. happy Bday token... Everyone chipped in to order this for you. Its stuck in customs right now cause they don't know what the hell to make of it.
  21. ehh... The urban dictionary had it spelled both ways so... whatever my bad if I used the wrong one. I'll get it right next time.
  22. WhoDey quit . Did you forget you're IMO and you perfer the dark look?
  23. no she isn't shitty. you are dead to her because of your current living arrangement. Look the guy wants to buy a bulldog stop shitting in peoples' threads. I can't believe I know you or consider you a friend given the way you post. FS! FS! AR FS! you can't catch me I'm the gingerham man.
  24. I was thinking maybe your mom or your gf ... Mister Hairless Pomeranian. by the way congrats on the little fucker having a few patches grow back.
  25. They just fixed... Someone just got their ass chewed!!!
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