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Everything posted by nochknstrps

  1. the katana was a 750. I had, or still have a moped along with two dirt bikes, and a quad. Oh and my brigs and straton 3.5 mini bike.
  2. Solid proof benyen is gay http://www.ohio-riders.net/showthread.php?p=159371#post159371
  3. Come on ron you can do better than that, how about some training wheels to keep me from draggin peg.
  4. Yeah it was when you asked me to slap you harder that I realized that you really are a homo.
  5. Damn the ruckus, I need to break out my old moped.
  6. Why are all the responses from guys on 600s about people own liter bikes to compensate for having a small penis? Perhaps its you guys who feel inadequate about something small and its not just your motorcycle.
  7. Benyen why do I always have to remind you of the time I bitch slapped you?
  8. well alright then, that would explain why he has so much free time to photoshop.
  9. Damn you have too much time on your hands in the pen. Shouldnt you be lifting wts. or something.
  10. Congrats on selling that piece!!! just be sure to get on another bike sooner or later. I'm gonna guess sooner, the bug will bite when it starts to warm up
  11. yeah and its still undeveloped, prob. cause of the economy and I hope it stays that way for at least this season. Its fun to just rip around on.
  12. if you don't have the money to make your own track just look for a new sub division.
  13. and at $2500 for a full system, who has money left over to add a PC V or bazzaz?
  14. wait its the graves that 2500, the akra is 2100. crazy!
  15. Yes sir... Truth be told I'm really thinking about an '08 1k. I should be able to beat up any dealership with a few laying around this spring.
  16. yes the tags are great, man have you seen the price tag on the akra exhaust? $2500!!!
  17. Yeah the cork screw is fukkin awsome, you should see it in person. I'm just out of the frame in that pic right behind spies and boz.
  18. Ah shut the hell up Mclovin, I actually do research before I buy a bike, I don't just walk into a dealership and buy whatever I get approved for. Guys I'll be on a bike this summer for sure. Just don't know what its going to be. I'll be sure to keep you all posted and I'm open for suggestions, Just keep em realistic Parks!
  19. Ha, dude no need to be apologetic. If my post came off as if I was pissy, I wasn't. I just had alot to say cause I pretty much read all the post at once and I typed it with a smile on my face the whole time. I'm just a smart ass and I like to push buttons. But don't get it twisted, I'm like 6'7" 245 solid , thats why I ride a liter bike.
  20. yeah on the r6 but not the r1. I really like the black/gold r6 actually
  21. black/gold is a euro color shceme
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