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Everything posted by nochknstrps

  1. congrats parks... you finally broke 1k
  2. Check your wall Jimmy. I don't know which statement is more humorous Campus Racer's claim to the advanced class or your claim to be the "president of the hump crew". I'm gonna go with aforementioned being that you're addicted to track days and this is a motorcycle forum not a sex site.
  3. Ha... just cause I don't attention whore post getting a new bike like every other turd on the board doesn't mean I don't have one. Have you seen the cheap 750s on wera lately?

  4. Does anyone else find that humorous? Oh and yeah... 1. I WANT TO WIN A TRACKDAY WITH NESBA 2. No 3. No 4. Doesn't matter
  5. You're the exception only because you're an alien.
  6. Hell I used to look at my little brothers thinking the same thing, but I think all the beating and verbal abuse from me and my friends is bringing them around.
  7. Wow. I know every generation looks back at the younger generation and thinks "fuck, this is who will be taking care of me when I'm old" but seriously the kids born in the Late 80s and 90s are worthless.
  8. Ha well it won't be for long. We are all guilty of opening up on our favorite strecth of road, some of us even in less than favorable conditions. But I have never seen anyone make an effort to dive into traffic using the cars as one would use cones during a high speed slalom test. These guys had 3 clean and clear lanes on 270 at 230am until they came up to traffic merging from the cleveland ave exit. Instead of maintaining a straight course they slowed slightly and dove into the merging traffic. Fucking idiots. Its riders like these that give us a bad name
  9. Do you know a couple of guys that ride together and live around Cbus or Delaware, one rides a sliver SV1000 with matching helmet and textile jacket and the other guy rides a yellow early model honda cbr 929 or 954 with a slip on, no gear just a pair of MC Hammer parachute pants and safety glasses. Spend as much quality time with them as possible cause if they keep riding the way they were the other night on 270 its only a matter of time before they are 6' under.
  10. There's no points for 2nd place

  11. What?!?!?!?! Where are those sexy satos? good to see you're still around alex. Bump for a great guy and well maintained bike, it hibernates in his living room during the winter.
  12. oh well I'll clue you in, your still sub 1k. I'm about to break 1,100 pts.
  13. Damn... maybe HD riders will realize they aren't invincible and wear helmets. I doubt he was riding a sportster prob. a big bagger and wasn't going that fast. I'd put money on that the leading cause of death was head trauma.
  14. how are things looking now Parks? Middle of the season will you be there in the end?
  15. I just PMed you my cover letter and resume. I also have references which are available upon request.
  16. Well being 2/3 native american I can use such terms... I dare someone else to do so!
  17. Are you offering atm with all of these apologies?
  18. +1 Too many chiefs so few indians...
  19. Chickon2 I believe your post belongs in the NWS!!! If i was a mod I'd suspend you for at least 2 days. Where do people get off on demanding intros from a Newb? So what if its suggested when you first join?
  20. yeah, I don't like to brag but you did ask... LOL

  21. Cheech you haven't seen taken? Get the fuck out! Just get the fuck out of here and don't come back until you do.
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