I wasn't going to do this but after encourgement from a dear friend (cough, ninjanick, cough) I'm jumping into this special olympic event head first. First, SwingR, I was slightly joking when I told Cheech in his thread that someone should have sent him home when he rode up on his katana. Rides in coshocton aren't gingerly strolls on one's scooter, I don't care what CC it is, you would have been left behind. Whoops, my bad you ride a real motocycle now, none the less. You saved yourself from being humilated (however childish it may be) and getting lost in the middle of coshocton. The truth is a cold hearted bitch and the truth of the matter is, you didn't belong on that ride in the first place. Now for the fact of the matter, Adam clearly stated this in his orginal post for the ride (poor kid's parents never invested in hooked on phonics so excuse the broken english) That right there is a clear statement of the kind of ride it was going to be, if you weren't ready for that you should have stayed home, so anyone bitching about it being too fast of a ride well, fuck off. I know most of you coshocton guys want to try and save face here by saying all is welcome but really Coshocton isn't for everyone. Its very technical and hazardous. Sure one could learn a great deal by riding with better people but, a place like coshocton is not the place to learn. Am I going to preach about going to the track no, but before riding in place like coshocton you need to be fimilar with all aspects of riding, from fast and cautious to emergency tactics. And you don't do this sort of thing in a large group ride or on unfimilar roads. Parks, Ron, Ross and the gang aside from this 1000rrRider guy, (don't know you, you seem like a turd already) are great guys and they know their roads better than most know thier daily commute. I suggest when going out to ride with them, expect it to be quick in terms of pace, be ready for a great time and just have your shit together. Before you say I don't know what I'm talking about, look at mclovin, this kid shreds. On fukkin R6S at that. Took him under my wing about two and a half seasons ago, when he was still dumping his bike in the parking lot. Look at 'im now. Brings a tear to my eye. Cue the soft music :violin:and fade to black. El Fine