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Everything posted by McLovin

  1. You say tuh-mah-toh...I say tuh-mey-toh. Ya damn right, that beech is busted! KBB quoted nochkntrps growler at sentimental value...
  2. He's still alive and an asshole...so I'd say he made it out okay.
  3. lol would you expect anything less...?
  4. holy shit...now that's some funny verbiage!
  5. I won't be learning much with you riding on your mom's schwinn...
  6. Well that's cause I don't want them to worry about me more than they already do, which would be a little inevitable if I were to say ooooohhh TOTAL my motorcycle...
  7. Nah, I've done that too...more like the kickstand wasn't all the way down. I'm glad you can join the party KY22...how's the carbon fiber work coming??
  8. Dear Mr. Post Editor, Yeah, then I got it painted and ran it into a bail of hay in Coshocton after you wrecked. Then I road it to the deal's gap area for even more twisties, while you were still w/o a motorcycle...Get Off Me!
  9. ...or you were actually afraid your parents wouldn't let you get another sport bike.
  10. The mirrors make the bike look so sad ... ohhh and the pile of plastic!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U9BA6fFGMjI ...and then your after thought...hell, you even said it out loud, "My parents are going to kill me!"
  11. Since Casper closed the thread as I was making my tribute...I'll start my own thread... ...poor bike! She sure was purdy for a GSXR. We should have dug a 9ft hole and laid her to rest, right where she stopped at the bottom of the hill. R.I.P. 2007 GSXR1000 w/ a loud racefit growler exhaust... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8b3mftcV0dY
  12. ...but I guess as long as I'm ordering the parts and not Campus Racer 59, you'll get the correct one ...because the last time I checked, my Ceramic Hybrid bearings fit in my wheel, not so much the case on your Camshaft fitting in your bike . Since I was mentioned in this thread, I figured my $0.02 was desired...
  13. McLovin


    I've put quite a few miles on Dunlop Qualifiers, some miles were much harder and longer than probably the average street rider. With this being said, in 1.5 summers loggin a little more than 16,000 miles, I have not been disappointed with Dunlop...actually, I guess you could say that I'm partially bias because Qualifiers are the only tires I've had on the bike other than the stock Dunlops. I think most people will be to scared to out ride their tires, but I'm sure those who get to the point of out ridin their tires will probably buy better tires...
  14. ...so for every elbow that is drug, there is a place to post the picture...
  15. We'll see in 2009... ...US52 in VA, you know where!
  16. Lies, I know riding reminds you of getting dusted by me on any twisties that your ol' gsxr1K has had the privilege of leaning two wheels on. Take some! ...and get another bike before the weather breaks so I can continue the dusting, thanks.
  17. shittygsxr loves kak and...
  18. I was talking about shitty's post when I said the road looks nice, which I guess you wouldn't know since you decided not to take that trip...but I see that you're easily confused, so I fixed it.
  19. ...10/22 doesn't look worth the trip from those videos, but whatever road that is in your (shittygsxr) post looks real nice... Do you think the guy on the Duc will show us around...again...but on the Ducati next time?
  20. I heard heated gloves are nice too, but I don't find riding in the cold very fun. Cold pavement, cold tires, and what seems like more shit in the road makes for less fun. Not my last either hopefully, but just my last of 2008.
  21. ahhh ha...don't hate! damn, well next time take your bike with you...oh yeah, thanks for figuring out what was wrong with my rear wheel. Ceramic hybrids in the rear wheel work well now. I still hate you! lol Haha yeah, it works. Thanks again for the help.
  22. I put about 20 miles on the bike up around Hoover dam, then my hands got cold and it started to get dark. Ahhh well, felt good...eat it beeches!!
  23. This kid sounds familiar. If it's who I am thinking of, he has a blue 2006 R6 that he has not even touched the throttle on other than to rev it in his garage...I bet he also sits in his garage with full gear on and pretends that he is racing WhoDeys bike which has NO wheels lol
  24. You don't ride your street bike regardless.
  25. Lol that's awesome that you were looking at the same page as me, but you got some strange windows and tabs up...you must make your own animal porn up in Coshocton, YUCK!
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