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Everything posted by McLovin

  1. I think I saw you at Sugar...but I didn't see Shitty!
  2. ...annnnd I'll be over to HNW this week to pick up some missing pieces to my motorcycle that I ordered. I wish it was something cooler than screws and some spacer bearing thing!
  3. Hah I'm confused by your confusion...the $9.99 deal was something I saw on TV and the last time I went they didn't have it posted anywhere, but I still ordered it. The kool-aid...that's just my bevy of choice. I suppose your favorite flavor will do..? I'm sure Shitty will vouch for my KFC and kool-aid meal that I had sometime last week...he informs me that it's way to fattening of a combination. Then he tries to convince me I should use some "fake" sugar in my kool-aid (never going to happen) and well there isn't much you can do about the grease in the KFC...
  4. ...at KFC, a much more satisfying meal is their 7pc chicken, 4 biscuits, and a large side for $9.99. Oh yeah, do yourself a favor by stopping at the local grocery store to pick yourself up some grape kool-aid and some sugar to make prior to this KFC meal...
  5. ...oh yeah, make sure you hit both of them with one of these ( ) right before you let them go.
  6. Complete Liquidation...EVERYTHING MUST GO!!
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MbNPotsAFxg
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MbNPotsAFxg
  9. Happy Birthday Ol' Lady...
  10. there is noooooooo way I'd do this.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iYQogGczfaE ...and they say motorcyclist are crazy! Where are the damn brakes and shocks?!?!
  11. ...I couldn't even stay awake on the ride home. I Don't know how you guys kept going like that all day.
  12. haha she is an American Gladiator...I couldn't decide what I thought when I saw her on that show...
  13. I'm not looking forward to riding back to Columbus from Youngstown today....the coppers were out yesterday when I rode up here. I rode behind a cop for at least an hour, Mansfield to Lodi... Oh yeah and I went by this sneaky joker as I was getting off 270E to 71 N (North side of the loop), there is that curved bridge that goes over 71 - well he was sitting on the bridge and clocking folks on 71. Good thing there were cars in front of me or I might have went zooming by him on the bridge.
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