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Everything posted by McLovin

  1. I'd just try and walk-in to the MSF course, I got in the class on my first try as a walk-in at the Broad Street one... everyone wasn't so lucky, but you might be. I have yet to decide if there is a certain bike that is the "right" bike for a rider starting out...of course we could all argue what is the most responsible decision, but I'd go with something you like and feel is reasonable. You can mess yourself up on anything (some a little quicker than others!!). If your responsible (easier said than done), I don't think you'll have a problem no matter what you get...
  2. ...hey, hey, hey...no need to get all hostile, it's very cute that you two have matching bikes and gear, I'm glad QueenBee has good taste or you'd be out of luck... Haha you may not be able to pick out rocks or parking garage paint out of your paint job, but there might still be some in your plastics...want to go ride the TripleNickel, I heard that road LOVES it some Sinner.... Nah, he's just disappointed that my R6 SMOKES his 1K ...
  3. You're just JEALOUS my shit is one of a kind and your's has a twin!!
  4. ...Congrats!! I mean you two already have matching bikes...so a wedding has to be a breeze!!
  5. Looks BAD ASS....I want to go!
  6. A night race under the lights would be nice to see...
  7. ...I agree...I'm not a Kawi Fan tho... Oh yeah, and fish nets
  8. Here's to all you kawi fans out there ...
  9. No such luck, but maybe this is her younger sister... Actually...there was no luck with the girl wearing the hat, but here's more of the girl posing with the Rossi helmet next to the FIAT trailer...
  10. Haha I wonder if that helmet was his idea? Either way it cracks me up, I would definitely wear a helmet like that...actually I'd have a few with different facial expressions.
  11. more race photos.... OH Shit!! GO YAMAHA! ...had to add that last one, what can I say...I like Yamaha!
  12. The Chipotle on 5th wasn't that bad...took maybe 45mins for a delicious FREE burrito! I think the worse Chipotle I saw out of the 3 was easily the Mill Run one, off of Fishinger Rd., man that line was CRAZY long!
  13. I'm about to go find a Chipotle line to stand in right now...FREE Burrito coming my way:banana:!! FYI, I drove by the one on campus around 5pm and the line was pretty LONG! (...just in case anyone was planning on swinging by that one.) If you are familiar with the area....the line was almost to 14th and the Chipotle is between 12th and 13th street.
  14. ....Yes, Yes, Fire, Fire, Fire!!! BREAKIN' THE LAW, BREAKIN' THE LAAAAW!!
  15. LOL you post them, I picked out the ones I liked...well there are the ones where they are doing a wheelie out of the corner!! or gettin low....
  16. Well be prepared...the visit is quickly approaching and I'll wear my muddiest shoes!! LOL Maybe, I'll drop some of these in there, too. "It's a Celebration!!"
  17. ....that's what I'm going to say when I come to your house!!
  18. HAHAHA:lol: who's hatin'... "Don't be hatin'!!!"
  19. ...this photo hunt deal was RIGGED:lol:!!! How does the team that goes from Columbus, OH to the PA border and back in record time, not at least get a t-shirt ?!?!?! The team with the guy that got an ohioriders tattoo...well, he should at least get the title of Supporter, if he doesn't already have it on the forum!! Satan and CbrGirl, rules should have stated if someone gets an ohioriders tattoo...automatic WIN!! haha All-in-all, it was a good time.
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