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Everything posted by slowbusa

  1. damn it i wish i had a bike that wasnt so loud and use so much fuel or i would go
  2. mike said come on down and see who can do that quickest/fastest wheelie
  3. nope i mite got to kil-kare thur..
  4. there is a few that dragrace on here not many....i did allright.. i went my fastest yet
  5. bump..... i know some of u guys dragrace
  6. today May 19 kil-kare will be having 2 wheel tuesday gates open at 5
  7. sure u was talking about the bike lol :idhitit:j/k
  8. ur gay.. i just got home and no rain lol
  9. there was a yukon a buddy of mine has that USED to have the plate ''bagitup'' it was a yukon on 26s with airride and flipflop paint on it and i have seen a older black guy driving a bmw with the plate 1 chem meaning #1 chemist i asked him lol
  10. it was my bike sonny made a few motor passes
  11. nice bike and nice ummmmmmmmm ill be good lol
  12. true story i bust his balls all the time about have big money cars looking like he just went mud running and if its clean he didnt do it
  13. i better get some damn cookies punk lol
  14. timing retard box for the spray, pc, progressive box,kill box and the co2 that i was usein to shift the bike

  15. there is no power commander on that bike
  16. i use shot out tires and yes its back together if u look in the pic at the bottom i had a shinko on my bike in that pic but it burns on the big end u comeing saterday to the 2 round of the no hating race at trails
  17. slowbusa

    DSC 0089

    From the album: my pics

  18. slowbusa

    DSC 0255

    From the album: my pics

  19. http://www.ohio-riders.net/picture.php?albumid=68&pictureid=2612http://www.ohio-riders.net/picture.php?albumid=68&pictureid=3417http://www.ohio-riders.net/picture.php?albumid=68&pictureid=3416
  20. yes it did lazy ass if u would read some lol j/k but yes it did
  21. wheres my $60 BITCH im taking ur evo till i get paid lol
  22. i round my bike around lastyear a few times all around columbus with only a tank and the tail for the taillight
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