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Everything posted by slowbusa

  1. +1 we would take my bike there 1 week hook good the next week be burning on the big end then week after that wouldnt hook off the line hit or miss more miss then hit lol
  2. i do my home work for sure weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee but i do have my redwings but ill never doing it again lol
  3. u never called today clown... i was bored all day
  4. all they will tell me its for the safey of the gamers of xbox... there was a guy we was playing the day i got banned that had his clan tag as obam and i made a comment i shot obam and a friend of mine made a comment he stabed him he got banned for 24 hours and i got perm banned but i got a new xbox now so i can play again
  5. it is fun to play when ur not banned lol <-----banned at the sec and they will not tell me why slowbusa614 is my gamertag
  6. sorry did u post something i was looking at jello shots weeeeeee
  7. ur on truck vs truck and im not talking the trailblazer
  8. not sure what im doing to it yet. the motor is apart right now
  9. most of the econo boxes couldnt break the speed limit if it was going down hill
  10. ur gay end of story.... j/k welcome clown
  11. slowbusa

    Captain Law Boy

    ummmm hi boobies btw IM RICH BITCH weeeeeeeeeeeeeee..... it must be a ford thing 75% of people in this thread has a ford OR is ford powerd GAY
  12. tolate he sold it to me so GET OFF OF MY BIKE j/k
  13. freshining up the motor down to the crank. new wireing harness having the wheels recoated from my cleaning fuc.. up... and maybe a 09 white busa for a street bike that we all knows will be at the track too
  14. 33 here and not married and dont think i ever will
  15. if i can get the bike to start i think mike wants to take it out sunday
  16. shhh dont tell everyone i have a small peepee
  17. hahaha funny lol say that to my face JOKING i would just run anyways i dont like to fight
  18. umm ur right but i know a few that isnt small that he hangs out with... that isnt up tight snobs
  19. cavin and a few that run in the group mite be SOFT but i know a few that isnt shyt talkers that d-ram.. is allways with and they do come to the meets so keep that in mind while u all are bashing and they arnt small guys... just a heads up
  20. i know of a few that get pulled over on the reg... but i had a cop tell me that it isnt his place to say my bike is louder then a Harley so he didnt give me a ticket but i know mine is louder
  21. i just like the sound of turbos and sc cars does that work but hearing a 500+ turbo bikes making a pass yeasterday made my peepee hard
  22. i know mine bike is loud but i try to keep it at idle most of the time ill ride down high street in 6th going 30mph witch sucks really the cams makes for a ruff ride
  23. slowbusa

    Motor Swaps

    buy a crashed hayabusa use the motor and harness in the katana it will work there is 1 out in dayton that joe holt built....
  24. my bike had a cracked inner clutch basket so it was bucking really bad best friday was 1.52 with mike he has been 1.39 on my bike
  25. come on clowns im on and bored
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