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Everything posted by slowbusa

  1. ok i thought i was getting fliped-off from where i was at.... i was like what the fuck lol
  2. nope i was being good and had my old-lady on the back lol p.s i just got smacked for calling her old lol
  3. so do u like fliping people off on bikes as ur getting off the freeway????? p.s ill be nice on here so i dont get banned
  4. with it being a track rent.. are they going to be dicks if i go in the 9s????? i know they are on test and tune nights since i dont have the Ls for that fast and i want to try the spray
  5. do u still have a 30 day tag on ur sti?
  6. damn it i would of got the bike out if i seen this sooner lol
  7. i wear loss pants but not hanging way off my ass but their are some that looks silly
  8. ok i guess U GOT ME HEADS UP lol j/k
  9. wish i would of washed the bike befor the pics was takin lol
  10. eris -nther91- was more then likely talking about u racing his mustang but then again he is over 300lbs on a busa
  11. slowbusa

    The New guy

    u have been riding longer then me but heads up sure lol
  12. slowbusa

    The New guy

    quit being a pussy look at my very first bike but its funnnnnnn lol
  13. its the same car that loss to sonnys bike sam
  14. and yes he did get a race it was with a red and black stock wheel base busa and losed 500
  15. ant u coming out this weekend?????? i do not have a paypal acc so i would just like to pay cash and thanks
  16. slowbusa

    Flame away

    man thats hillbillied.........j/k looks good keep up the good work clown
  17. hell u could of had that done by now if i wouldnt give u so many transmissions to do
  18. its funny u say that.. there was a prostock talon rear wheel drive tubed their that was ALL over the track too.. so it mite just not be the driver on this 1
  19. im useing the bike... but get off the net and work on my car damn u lol
  20. thats it me and u sam for a $1000 heads the fuck up LOCKED
  21. i won $10 with a 9.997 weeeeeeeeee but i made it in the 9s lol and to back it up with a win for $10 more with a 9.95 but the track sucked:grin2:
  22. ill be at the track again.. i had fun lastweek still trying to learn to leave on it
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