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Everything posted by wolfman

  1. If you are putting them down yourself, let me know. I have a floor nailer/stapler and about a 1000 sq ft of experience.
  2. :cringe: I think that was the most uncomfortable part of any movie I have ever seen..
  3. Stacy McMahon! mmmmmmmm

  4. Guys, I just tried this and its hard as hell to keep track of which cup the knife is under. I'm heading to the hospital. :sad:
  5. I didn't know they even kept track of that kind of stuff in college?? Must have been small school...how many people were in your class?
  6. Yeah, seems like a waste to drive all the way from Dayton to go there...might as well stop by the Goat, too.
  7. I was waiting for the drunk to chime in..
  8. +1 Just go down town...you will find something you like. I would go tomorrow night when its warmer though.
  9. There used to be one called 'Speeds' but I think they are closed now.
  10. That is neat...throw on 600rr.net and 1000rr.net and get rid of that R6 stuff and it would be perfect! :wink:
  11. wolfman

    The laws

    I gave all you Kawi bishes negative rep!
  12. Meh, not worth the cost of the paper the title is printed on... you should probably just stop by Columbus on your way home and drop it off. J/k Looks awesome and sounds like a hell of deal...
  13. +1 That pilot did an amazing job landing that plane in the river. The news said he was even able to walk the entire length of the plane twice to check that everyone was out before he got off the plane himself. Amazing!
  14. Yeah, I was just saw that on their website....their new version looks pretty cool. They need a bubbling treasure chest and pirate though.
  15. +1 I have 10 year old Presario in the closet I might try this with...
  16. Wow, this thread is still going? I had no clue!
  17. I'll help you! I'll bring a hammer and channel locks...we should be able to get everything apart with those tools.
  18. wolfman

    The laws

    right bc you realized Kawi makes a shit ton of lawnmower engines too
  19. Whats wrong with the clap?
  20. Ooops...yeah I realized that after my post so I figured I better post up a reply that I was kidding.
  21. wolfman

    The laws

    They made motorcycles before lawnmowers.. :grin:
  22. I'm already halfway to the dark side with that old Kawi sitting in my garage...
  23. 04 600rr race bike $2800...only problem is its a drive to Ga http://forums.13x.com/showthread.php?t=191741 oh...and its a so not worth your time anyways
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