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Everything posted by wolfman

  1. wolfman

    Ninja Nick

    Is he going to be riding in the spring with us or is he banned from that, too?
  2. I missed the group shot! Me and Christina shouldn't have left so early...
  3. wolfman

    OSU vs Texas

    First comment, if Beanie stays healthy for the entire game I think we win this one. I heard it was a concussion? Exactly! Tressel's game plan for this game was very solid and exactly how you attack this Texas team. This Texas team was not a team to "air it out" against. Our offense (QB, Recievers, O-Line) is not good enough to go toe-to-toe with Texas through the air...and it showed. The only reason we stayed in this game until the last quarter was b/c of our "conservative" play calling. Keeping the ball out of the hands of the Texas offense was the only way we had a shot in this game...and once Beanie was out this became a lot tougher. As far as Tressel's conservative play calling....did you watch Troy Smith and the 2005/06 Buckeyes? Tressel has changed the style of play calling each year to suit the players he has on the field. Look at Michigan, DickRod would rather run his top players out of the program than change his offensive scheme for a year or two easing the team into his spread attack...look where that got him this year. IMO, Tressel is one of the best coaches at adapting to the players he has at hand and our recievers and passers are not great this year like 2005/06 (look at what Gonzo, Holmes, and Ginn are doing in the NFL). I agree that at moments (like maybe the missed FG this game) I would rather see a more aggresive play call but on the flip-side if we make that FG it would have been Texas going for 2 to try to stay in the game.
  4. wolfman

    OSU vs Texas

    Hopefully defensive, too. I would like to see Spielman at defensive coordinator. Anyways, it was a good game and could have gone either way.
  5. Flywheel weight: http://www.bikez.info/webshop/msr_flywheel_weight_for_kawasaki_kx125_98-02_f-36609.php
  6. Oh, haha I misread. I thought you typed you went from a 11t to 12t. NVM
  7. Don't you usually want to go down on the front sprocket and up on the rear when gearing a 2-stroke for trails? At least in my experience I have found that MX bikes have too tall of a first gear for the slow technical stuff. IMO, that KX could make a sweet trail machine with a heavier flywheel and the right gearing.
  8. ^Good idea.. I like where your head is at. edit: both of you tax liens especially
  9. Interesting read: http://www.blogstodiefor.com/wordpress/2008/07/mike-tysons-former-ohio-mansion-now-abandoned/ It looks like it will cost OhioRiders about 2.3 million to buy this place (maybe less now). 6+ car garage and 60 acres....
  10. Yup, its a few hours from me....already google mapped directions!
  11. I was assuming he knew better than that!
  12. I say start it up and let it get to temperature and work the clutch a few times. Then pop it in gear and see if all is good.
  13. The plates are probably just stuck together. Have you tried rolling it on the ground to see if they unstick?
  14. Thanks! I'm digging all these new changes.
  15. Suck it! I posted a picture so my thread >> magifesq's original thread
  16. Yeah, but that indoor pool has some serious potential! PArty time! I sPy a wet bar!
  17. I guess I saw that on here then.
  18. Damn, that place is cool. Ugly as shit but cool. OR should chip in and we can buy that place.
  19. It's real! http://www.techdigest.tv/2008/01/twodaloo_twoper.html
  20. Need more info. NOW!! I searched for RS500 and didn't find any info..
  21. :lol: That's classic! I heart best of CL.
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