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Everything posted by schmuckingham

  1. I would not be able to pick it up until Firday but I am interested, if it sells before then so be it. Ill get ahold of you this Friday
  2. Sanks Bike sale is pending, we will see this weekend.
  3. I see what you did there No grass on roofs please
  4. Love the wheels, hate the rear off set. Seats look like typical seats in a Vette that's been driven.
  5. I called you, now call me back y0
  6. Miller I'll get it up on racing junk Monday afternoon. I really want this car especially since I have a brand new 0 miles built to the hilt Tremec 3550 sitting here, but like you my wife won't have it.
  7. I still think this list is a long peoce of crap just made up by Anthony to actually have a thread go over 5 pages tha was started by him.
  8. He cant, they will racially profile him.
  9. Blind with a big dick, I could knock shit over with my cock and blame it on my blindness Would you rather be labotomized or be Splaaty McFuck cakes?
  10. taking bids on how long until both those beat dick bikes are for sale for a plane! <3 U Dover
  11. Joe I live in Easton Yota TXT me about the gloves
  12. Why is everything got to be racial with you man! damn
  13. Well all the cool kids are wearing them
  14. I would have thrown it to her as well
  15. Im American, I like my tires like I like my women...... wide with a little over hang
  16. It all depends on how close the gas lines are to your home. Gas company will run it to a certain point for free but you will have to have a private contractor do the rest. Our house is the same with all electric and we just had a new heat pump and electric furnace put in. for the price difference and amount of waiting we would of done for gas we stayed with electric.
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