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Everything posted by schmuckingham

  1. make sure the ammo for them is common LE/Military rounds
  2. Seems like a waste since you only have two hands.
  3. so far its a giant steaming pile of turd
  4. death machine is wicked gun if you get a bunch of tards grouped up Sniping is on my shit list, it takes about a full second to hold your breath before firing.
  5. I the chiller fails the HE would be the back up..... so I would leave it
  6. sorry brotha, between my angry girlfriend and the yard work it wasnt happening. besides, I have nothing to race
  7. I dont camp as a sniper stick and move baby
  8. aka camping real war you dont respawn, so duh.
  9. Sorry I couldnt make it to watch, the leaves were invading my space and I had to fend them off
  10. Anything you can drive to work everyday or for work trips and still run a low 12 or faster.
  11. I was thinking the same thing hahaha
  12. Lightning guys run a stock heat exchanger with an aftermarket pump and a resivior in the bed with a chiller. You can get away with leaving everything stock and the system works great still.
  13. my goals are pretty high to beat :devil:
  14. your 2000 mile maintanence
  15. Sam and his father George did my driveway, wont use anyone else ever again.
  16. doc says I will suffer from that for years
  17. Did I say moder medicine was worse than 20 years ago, fuck no. What I said is people arent taken care of like they used to. For example, My Grandfather had both his hips replaced 10 years ago. After 2 years the cemete holding the replacement hips to the joints failed ( a recall he wasnt notified of until AFTER he made a visit) and came loose causing some slight damage but fixable. He went under and had both replaced only to have on of the incisions get infected. The response from the doctor, and I shit you not, was " Sorry about that" and he turned heel and walked off. That infection cause him to be in bed for 7 months without a hip, at all. Problem with physicians either specialized or not is there are too many of them and 3/4 of them shouldnt have a practice. I would never call a physician under payed and they deserve their money but it always seem that it costs more and more and more after the fact. Dont get me wrong, I am not bitching, my mother was a flight nurse for 8 years while getting her masters and is now a ER Nurse practitioner, so I would never say anyone medical staff is over payed but god damn a little smile and humor will go a long way.
  18. 100k on a jap bike, no problem. 100k on a Duc, new motor at least once if not at least a new valve train. Ducs arent made for the everyday joe blow that doesnt make real good money
  19. nothing like a PS3 knock off game
  20. and the physicians dont take care of the patients like they used to.
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