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Everything posted by schmuckingham

  1. cause the clutch will break shit
  2. So I would have to take the gun home then go to their property? I was under the assumption you coudlnt have it loaded while on the premises.
  3. Bump, I will sell this and the matching desk for it ( little abuse on the top surface but in good shape all around) all for 60 bucks.
  4. Car looks good, but not a fan of the wheels
  5. I could probably kill someone with this metal clip if i straightened the end. Cuts my finger half the time trying to get it off
  6. Intake for the yates heads is gone so I updated everything.
  7. I understand that but I was just thinking is it really worth it to leave the holster on, walk through the metal detector and set it off and be wanded only to have some old retired cop freak out because you have an empty holster. Option B is just take it off and avoid the whole thing.
  8. As we all know its illegal to conceal in a gov. or state building, so obviously that is not what we are discussing here. However when you do go in to maybe pay a speeding ticket or what have you do you also remove your holster? Reason I ask this is because the local Ashland PD has a metal detector at the door before you can pay a ticket and they wand you if you set of the detector. This is just a random question, my IWB is somehwat easy to get off especially since I switched to this BDU belt but I was thinking about this on my way to work this morning.
  9. maybe they used what was available to them?
  10. Sucks big time Space, but the car did its job and kept you safe.
  11. because brakes mean everything offroad or in the snow. I would say the Audi marketing group has made your mind up for you and you need 32 airbags when your 50k + SUV just slide through an intersections because its WAY big brakes locked them up and you smash into on coming trafffic. With that said I would drive an X5 or whatever Euro AWD car around town after the roads are plowed or maybe a light dusting but if its dumping 4 inches on us then I am taking the Jeep. Jeep may be a farm tractor compared to a Euro in the accessories dept but it works and works well.
  12. My Dads does just fine after you take the giant 20x12s off the back and go with stock X5 wheels but its not lightning the offroad world on fire.
  13. more interested in the girl on the left, carry on
  14. This story makes me realize I need to cool it with the way I treat others road rage.
  15. My girl Mel teaches there or did at one point, but I already have an appointment with her tomorrow
  16. and that is why people need breeding licenses
  17. New avatar for me aajhahahahahah I dont post pics because I am ugly, thanks for making that obvious to everyone Tilley
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