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Everything posted by schmuckingham

  1. We go to the pet people there...... not anymore.
  2. You know those times when you regret buying something after another thing goes for sale.... this is one of those times.
  3. I would rather stand around a parking lot all night than roll 10-15 deep and "race" all while probably getting caught. Its annoying to have people whine about meets but tries to whore themselves out in racing anything that moves. Just because people havent made car related meets doesnt mean they suck, the members here have taken their friendships above cars into other walks of life. Look at the pool crew or Dover and Shanton with their PRK, their love for cars and standing around in a parking lot has grown into something that travels to other parts of the country doing what they enjoy.
  4. Just because no one wants to race your junk doesnt mean meets suck
  5. If its that clean then I would keep it and slowly clean it up
  6. Zombies was awesome, still is
  7. If its a solid rust free car I would say 5.5k isnt unfair. If it IS a rust free car let me know, Id be interested in the shell.
  8. Thats fuel cell better not be for fuel with worm clamps on it, hopefully its a water res for the after cooler
  9. Well at this point the car is just waiting for other parts to return. The headers are off getting ceramic coated, the drivers side cylinder head is getting a busted valve cover bolt removed by an EDM process, and my torque wrenches are getting re calibrated after someone "accidently" knocked them on the floor.... how they knocked both over Ill never now. So I have gotton as far as I am going to get until these parts arrive. Valve cover is one, small interference with the powerpipe 90 degree hose bend but not bad. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v226/Schmuckingham/The%2086/Picture108.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v226/Schmuckingham/The%2086/Picture109.jpg Sumped tank and pump mounted. Lines run and riveted to the body. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v226/Schmuckingham/The%2086/Picture110.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v226/Schmuckingham/The%2086/Picture112-1.jpg
  10. I would almost buy a V6 2011 Stang and then boost it
  11. I want that 4 eye car 614 I can imagine your easy to deal with, I have dealt with Paul a few times and he is the same way
  12. good luck, Putnam blows. Gingerman is supoosed to be real nice.
  13. I miss my babies http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v226/Schmuckingham/Picture-1.jpg
  14. Youll see more than .5hp with a set of filters
  15. Not when they starv a bike for air in the higher RPMs, no they arent.
  16. I was messing with Rob, not you haha
  17. Ditch the K&N filter and either keep a stock one or get BMCs.
  18. for it to run, no power goals or anything like that. Just want it to drive with no issues or leaks
  19. Im using that for the rear seat delate and to cover the hatch area Im not stealing shit, this was a hand made peice I have had laying around even BEFORE I had either Stang. SO your stealing my intake Its made for a trick flow lower not a GT40
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