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Everything posted by schmuckingham

  1. Broke as a joke and I doubt KTm wants to trade Mustang parts for one
  2. Brian for governator of Ohio, and then President
  3. only you could turn a 1000 dollar gun into a 8000 dollar investment
  4. low RPM plus heavy dyno roller = nasty sounds
  5. i wouldnt trust me with a potato gun either, nothing would be safe
  6. I wouldnt go to a gun shop with three quarters of you let alone shoot with you
  7. Creek Ratz in Merls Inlet, ask for Ashley. It smy sister, she mean and angry but hilarious
  8. they dont account for it, it helps distribute air evenly were the outside cylinders dont have priority flow over the two inside ones. Reomove the stacks all together and you have two cylinders getting air more than the other two. If the stacks were in open air then all cylinders would have the same length stacks, but some bikes have a un-even air box
  9. The stacks are used to scavenge air, in a small box like in a motorcycle there are two long ones and two shorts ones. The short ones go to the outside of the box were there is less room to suck in air were as the center two have plenty of room. This design is intended to provide even airflow for each cylinder and help a lean or rich condition in the outer two and middle two cylinders. I woudl say throw a set of stacks on the outside two and see how she runs.....
  10. John I would like to hear what you have to say, PM it to me if you dont want to post here.
  11. Yea well I think its very serious but I have been put on a time frame
  12. Well out lovely home threw us another curve ball well removing the old wood floor for new wood floor. Around our sliding glass door the subfloor is rotted out and the contractor wont install out new floor until someone repairs it. Anyone have any ideas other than ripping out the sliding glass door and removing the siding? http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v226/Schmuckingham/26787_385941845431_513880431_416937.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v226/Schmuckingham/26787_385941850431_513880431_416937.jpg
  13. I havent had any issues with ANY of them that I have bought
  14. schmuckingham

    LSx guys

    Magnaflow on the Vette
  15. Sir Putty you have a deal, when can I come get it.
  16. The kid that owns the NSX is a tool and drives like one. He got drug by a 690cc single piston motard from a dig and never came around......... not impressed.
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