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Everything posted by schmuckingham

  1. Your soaking up all the attention flat fish, thats why
  2. SO you just spent gobs of money at Robs, waited months on top of months to get the car back and now you get it home and want to trade it off. Id say thats a lofty serving of bullshit Tyler.
  3. The unit on the 86 has a few crimps in it and I want to repair it. Let me know what you have.
  4. Ive also had the Tials not open at low boost, something to consider when street driving a car on a exoensive turbo
  5. modern technology has cured the 100occ versus the 600cc handling myth
  6. Thats standard equipment on every ford ever built
  7. It would be a fun 600 for the street for sure, and easy as hell to ride around town
  8. The car was clean for a Ohio car, needs paint and the underside/engine bay have a little surface rust but is a clean fox for a Ohio car in that price range.
  9. My budget is capped now since I cant get what I paid for the car out of it. I have to sell everything off and I might come out with 3500
  10. Honestly I wouldnt know, and I dont have the money nor the trailer to get it to a frame shop
  11. You know I relaize that the kid before either of us owned was a complete and total toolbag, I saw it first hand. If I had to guess I would say that you didnt deceive me on purpose but you wanted the car gone quickly and it put us in the current status, that on top of everyone thinking I blame Rob for any of this which isnt the case. It sucks, it really does. I have this nice car here with frame rot and I am stuck with yet another summer with nothing fun to drive, it just makes me angry that I cant recoupe the money I spent to find another car.
  12. I am keeping that going on the 88, rockers can be yours for the fresh price of 100
  13. The "soft spot" you refer to is the one underneath the back seat, the one someone tried to patch up. That wasnt a big deal, the spot underneath the front seat support wasnt a big deal either and I missed that one which is my fault. The ones underneath the inner fenders wells set me back but liveable, however the frame isnt. Upon further review the frame is coated with rust from from to back in the engine bay and apparently bondoed at one point. Also the car has been hit or hit something and its been pulled, which isnt your fault nor is the rust. However some of this rust would have been seen with the work going on but as I said earlier Gearhead is doing the work he was paid to do, so again its not Robs faiult in anyway. The car only made 350, I have seen heads cam 302s make 310 at the rear wheels with good parts so the Powerdyne isnt the end all be all of blowers, hence being dumped for the S trim. I never said anything at O reilys about you not knowing what your doing, what I did say was you obviously have trouble making up your mind about stuff, Then I see you at O reilys and say hi and you give me the cold shoulder, then after the desk guys look at you sideways you finally answer me. Dick move, just my .02 cents. As far as the internal parts are concerned I would suggest not advertising them as maybe or maybe not being there. Unless you check and verify it dont charge for it, and I wont take anyones word for it anymore. Doesnt matter now, you have your money and I have a car on its way to a scrap yard.
  14. 87 surface rust I can deal with see above quote ported Vic Jrs in a cast iron skin:D
  15. Yea trying to find another and no that cant be comfortable to shift with, looks terrible to me With a fine toothed comb
  16. power of perception my friend, its really a late 70s Pinto.
  17. Its from Greenfield Ohio http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v226/Schmuckingham/cars/103_0650.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v226/Schmuckingham/cars/103_0656.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v226/Schmuckingham/cars/103_0648.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v226/Schmuckingham/cars/103_0655.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v226/Schmuckingham/cars/103_0654.jpg
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