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Everything posted by schmuckingham

  1. If you need any help let me know with that sprocket
  2. matches that tigger tattoo you have just above your ass
  3. no, the new saying is " THATS HUGE"..... did you not get the memo
  4. I have found that the 5.11 VTAC stuff is fairly nice and well priced. This site as a shit load of stuff. http://www.lapolicegear.com/5tase.html?gclid=CIa1_6mTy5sCFdZM5QodtHtdKw
  5. Glad that the new black plague mobile is off on its own.
  6. Ill sell you my 552 Eotech I never use
  7. maybe if she was ingulfed in flames...... then yes.
  8. only high gloss I have is engine paint
  9. I have a rattle can of matte black, would that work?
  10. This is what happened last time i got bored with rattlecans around
  11. negative, its an hour eating ordeal
  12. meh its comfy You know you love it
  13. It doesnt look like yours though
  14. There are clothes all around so there is no clean up and Ananda gets a suprise when she goes to work with a protein stain on her pants she didnt know about.
  15. Depending on what parts you use I could build you a rifle for cheaper than 1500. The M&Ps have a chrome lined barrel and I beleive thats it.
  16. BUMP Just picked up a OEM black 600rr seat solo cowl to replace the cat scratch pad
  17. I have no idea, way to ruin my joke
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