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Everything posted by schmuckingham

  1. backing this statement
  2. I think I have a Belkin "N" but the only grip I have is the .NAT settings need opened
  3. Im not sure if we are getting one or not, Ill let you know.
  4. not really, team 4,600 owned and that is all.
  5. You should never knock anyones bike over ever, even if they have just burned your house down. As far as excuses go there are none, John knows this and he has to live with his actions and I certainly wont and cannot make excuses for others. What he did was an ass move, what else do want me to say?
  6. Hey, I know illiteracy runs rampant in America but read my post again. Actually you know what, Ill save you the time and quote myself. "I dont condone what what happened but like i stated before there was a reason for his actions." Here is the meaning of the word conde : http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/condone So when I say I dont condone it means i dont overlook, i dont pardon, i dont fucking applaud what he did. Read a post before you spout off after reading half of it and jump on someones band wagon.
  7. Dude cause and affect, you cant just blame one side of the story. Just because you know or anyone else thinks they know one side doesnt mean they know the other side of the story, and you dont see me spouting shit and nonsense because John is a friend to me. Neither party is innocent and both should be treated equally and any discussion about the subject she be between those two... not a forum of drama queens. I dont condone what what happened but like i stated before there was a reason for his actions.
  8. When I find the card Ill let you know
  9. Its none of your business nor anyone elses so just leave it alone.... everyone.
  10. so what exactly is a "box" on the 636?
  11. mmmmmmmmm turbo dorito mmmmmmmmmm
  12. Still cant get over the snubbed nose front end
  13. Who was on the black 1000rr?
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