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Everything posted by schmuckingham

  1. If i do lower the bike it will be equal amounts on both ends to keep the rake of the bike for obvious previously stated reasons. I was just wondering what its going to at around or under an inch, like I stated I want to keep this bike as versatile (sp?) as possible.
  2. what was this guys height and weight?
  3. Its his board of choice John, I heart you in a giant to midget kind of way.
  4. I should have stated the difference here. By lowered I mean by maybe an inch not so fcking low my nose touches my front hugger....... thats what straps are for.
  5. Mcteach me what it does to the handling of a bike, I have my theories but i have nowhere near the seat time nor the experience some of the pople on this board have. I want my bike an all purpose tool, street drag and track if possible and I do relaize one will effect the performance of the other. I would assume the lower the center of gravity the less leverage you have on the pendulum and its harder to turn in but what else is there.
  6. the cold idle function is to warm the motor up faster and supply a higher amount of oil pressure on startup. idling that high is normal and doesnt need changed but if it stays at that idlea t all times then I would worry a bit
  7. Im not wearing underwear, and two that comment was meant for you. What do you care if i give her shit for no reason unless you think by standing up for her you have a shot at dating her or that your going to be the nice guy. So what, maybe I am PMSing, maybe i need to vent, maybe I just dont like her and I am being to harsh but since I am the only one voicing anything I can be called the crazy guy. The amount of drama that oozes from her corner of the world is more than enough for a hazing and a bannana hammock comment. Anyone can call me anything they want because they have that right but If you have ever actually met me than youll know I am a fairly nice guy, but I cant prove that to you or anyone else and sure I seem like a dick but It doesnt bother me. Its not anyones monies but her own, what she does with is her own choice but what burns my struedel is the constant " HEY LOOK AT ME!" posts and actions she does in person... gets real old fast. I mean if it were me I would save tha cash and buy some tires and more track days to do more track days and utlize what they teach, and I really do hope she got better from the track day ( which I know is 2 days) and can apply it to the street. I know for a fact that people get better from these type of events because I watched first hand my own girlfriend jump 20 notches up on the skill level of riding in all aspects. I know its going to happen and guys will defend her and I look like an ass but she can hold her own because she is an independent woman and she needs no mans help.
  8. hopefully thats the pin to blow up that white trash grenade. I mean dont get me wrong, I LOVE trashy blonde chicks ( no not you honey) but god damn does Brittany take the cake.
  9. Not gonna lie, this picture has much win in it.
  10. Honestly, for someone I have never met you sure know a lot about me. Ok so you spent two days on a track and probably with a one on one instructor because your were that bad. And two from what I was told you didnt even use your own bike. And thirdly I have had MULTIPLE personal thanks and congrats on finally saying to you what all others have wanted to. Edited for being EXTREMELY mean and I dont want the leg humpers to get their bannana hammocks in a wad.
  11. Whos the re-run in the other lane?
  12. O my god, one track day and now you need track plastics...... un fucking real
  13. you probably have the jumper wires wrong
  14. I got two from Aaron but other than that no one took any pics of me either probably because I am so slow
  15. Yea 178 is way high for the 04-07 CBR1krr's unless you have a partial motor build or spraying it.
  16. I would have to say the heat range on the plugs is WAY too hot, the ECM isnt used to seeing boost so he may have to confuse it with a bleeder setup on the MAP sensor. I would say the turbo would be enough for that motor being thats its setup for a 2.2, its either his manifold isnt setup right or the cam timing isnt right for boost
  17. ring failure, common issue on the Cobra motors when they make a ton of power
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