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Everything posted by schmuckingham

  1. 03/04 Cobra " Terminators" were factory supercharged
  2. UH, no offense Nick but you dont help weight or aerodynamics on top of a bike either ya big man bear :grin:
  3. uuhhh you have no clue what your talking about do you? A Camaro RS is a chicks car along with any other F body.
  4. The level of fail in this statement is astronomically HIGH
  5. It almost looked like to me that the three stator wire inside the motor wore inside the black oil shiled and shorted themselves there
  6. The LED isnt drawing anymore amperage than a normal bulb and if its backwards it wont work, SO i cant see a LED killing a stator. The rectifier checked out according to the Kawi manual
  7. OMG someone wont go with me and for someone so strong and independent I cant go myself WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. Crank the estrogen honey and just go by yourself, besides there arnet plenty of instructors there you can badger for help. ( Healey RUN!!!!!)
  8. I dont have to, I already know what its going to say " WA WA WA I am a strong independent woman but can someone please do this for me? Look at me, I am the most important."
  9. Honestly, is there anything you dont complain about on this board?
  10. I would suggest Blackwing and to see Greg. Blackwing is a little higher in prices than some other places but the service and help you will get will go far beyond any other shop I have been to in Columbus.
  11. negative, Victor says I dont have to
  12. Lethal is more of a mod motor company
  13. much win in that video Much win here as well
  14. Chris, your also gay. Mark Pi's?
  15. This went from a gather of close friends and family to an OR event with the usual retards, awesome.
  16. The chick with the M4 on the bench FTW
  17. CBR if I get my power commander back from Dynojet
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