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Everything posted by schmuckingham

  1. 800 gamer points unfortunantly
  2. HAHA, no Mr. Coil I am not agreeing. I just was warning him how you do things, to most it looks like your shitting in a thread but if they actually read your post it has fact based on experience/text book answers. I agree that its a worthless mod and I also agree that for 7 bones who cares, all I am concerned with if people search fort his topic they wont get either side of the story. I would rather have them see that the $7 dollars and half hour of hour can be spent on better HP mods like tons of stickers and chrome everything (Hoblick I am not cracking on you, its was a very informative and well done write up).
  3. I see we started a trend, nice work boys
  4. It sold yesterday and if I was selling it for 330 Id be loosing my ass, and besides most of the stuff that is lower priced right now is cheap to begin with.
  5. lower is el Gonzo, Carie lock dis shit up
  6. I used to fuck GMs in the Lightning all day long ( as long as I went from a dig for the 1/8th mile... damn LSx motors) HEEHOO Ford
  7. I feel sick to my stomach
  8. you and Shanton can come over and drink beer in my garage
  9. Mills Metal work here in Cbus
  10. People that reload yes, but alot of folks dont relaod.
  11. Its about to get harder The Shootist - DOD Ends Sale of Expended Military Brass to Remanufacturers
  12. I have a set of Teknics I found for cheap at pony that are nice and tall but the one thing I didnt like was the lack of cusion on the bottom of the foot, so I am now gelin
  13. Im glad your appointing yourself moderator of this when you have have absolutely nothing to do with it. As far as the thread goes only 2 pages of it is actual conversation between me a gixxie and the rest is stupid BS from others that are bored and feel the need post whore. You cant actually tell me that him asking people to find MY address isnt something "real" world and not on the net? The blind following from your side is tremendous, kudos to you folks but I cant log onto assfaultjunkies and defend myself on any of their threads and I can only imagine were this has gone over there. From this point I dont have the time to worry about this childish crap, I am too busy helping others getting thier bikes ready and getting two of my own setup. Bottom line is I went too far with my comment and it exploded into threats of egging and a request for an address which is too much in my book. I cant change everyones opinion and arguing with some of you is like arguing with my 10 year old sister. I wash my hands of this and move forward, but dont think if my name comes out of your mouths I wont defend myself
  14. I can speak for anyone else but I have issues with you and your "family" because of the way you act. Ben does what he wants I have no control over him, why dont you PM him and figure that all out. When did I say I wasnt apart of this? I am man enough to say what I did and ill stand by my actions and admit if its wrong or not. I havent started everything, trust me. I cant say weather you have a problem with OR ornot but it sure seems like you do, I mean all I ever see you doing is using someone elses siteto promote yours. SO why dont you act like the rest of the sponsors and pay for the advertisement. I dont feel like he has and at this point I wouldnt beleive he was God with the way he acts
  15. C'mon man, I know there isnt a hit out on my family but you made a threat against my home which contains my family, thats just uncalled for on so many levels. I bust your groups chops, yes, and I will admit that up and down but I never took it any farther than ball busting. I speak for myself and what you did was way up the ladder on what you would do but your true colors shown through. I told Ben that there was going to be some things said on his site so he took it upon himself to find out what was going on. He decided to make this thread and let everyone know why you and I are going at it, its not like he is apart of some conspiracy that you think is going on, which is also paranioa. Maybe you should take some notes from him and why his site is larger than yours.
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